Bondo on a vette


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
I have some areas of this car that have been filled out with bondo...the typical gray crap/filler mixed with that bloody RED curing agent....

so how bad is that when used on a '72 vette???

I come to find out some guys say it's super BAD, and will vibrate out and separate from the glass/resins....

so far, it's been some years since using it, in front and in various spots...and it's never lifted, separated, or cracked out....

so that I have the primer on the car, I"m getting word that it's bad news...

so what is the truth of the shituation???

Rule of thumb. If you know the person and trust the methods of his work, leave it. If you have any doubt, fix it. It won't take you much to do it over and today material are much better stuff.

Talk to Big_G or Smyda- they are the real experts.

I'd say that if it's just a thin topcoat layer it'll be OK- it's been OK so far. If it's over 1/8 thick I'll say that's not too good. But again, How long has it been there and OK?
Talk to Big_G or Smyda- they are the real experts.

I'd say that if it's just a thin topcoat layer it'll be OK- it's been OK so far. If it's over 1/8 thick I'll say that's not too good. But again, How long has it been there and OK?

An old vette friend for some 12 years now, who has painted many vettes over some 30 years....8 of them....did say Bondo was ok, if not too thick, same as you.....and it does say good for fiberglass on the can.....but it's the red/black can with gray/red curing I have had it on the front for years now, no sweat, then I hear it's NO GOOD, and will peel off and go crazy....

so hell with it, I hope it sticks by me....I guess the very worst thickness is about 1/16 inch...but that would be in one small spot...not over a huge indent or shallow this point, I"m letting it alone....really reaching end of the fuse on this body prep shit....tmrw around noon, going to shoot the last of the primer on it a more...

the damn paint house did not send the hopefully it's out before this weekend...

Talk to Big_G or Smyda- they are the real experts.

I'd say that if it's just a thin topcoat layer it'll be OK- it's been OK so far. If it's over 1/8 thick I'll say that's not too good. But again, How long has it been there and OK?

I had Bondo at least .250 thick on my flares for 25+ years. It didn't fall out until a Grand Prix hit it.:push:
Talk to Big_G or Smyda- they are the real experts.

I'd say that if it's just a thin topcoat layer it'll be OK- it's been OK so far. If it's over 1/8 thick I'll say that's not too good. But again, How long has it been there and OK?

I had Bondo at least .250 thick on my flares for 25+ years. It didn't fall out until a Grand Prix hit it.:push:

Well THAT is a ray of sunshine, instead of the usual :rain: overhead....

so still waiting on the paint....if not, I already have the PP complaint in place for a reversal of charges, and intend to just buy locally, hell with it....
I going over to DuPont store tmrw, hell or high water, unless it gets here today....tired of waiting ....want to shoot the car soon, not next year...summer is here already, need bolt all the crap back on....

the local powder coater is dragging his feet also...he is another one going to find out towmorrow, that ready or not, I"m taking all the parts back, and will just spray them myself.....that way I have control of the process and for about 10% of the price to boot.....he is another one I don't need.....

business bad as it supposedly IS, and I can't get action....bullshit, I do it my OWN fucking self, same as always.....
