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Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA

These boys hit the jackpot. Aladdin was at a race track in Mass. and broke his leg and was retired, he has a pin in his ankle. We adopted him and a few weeks later we found out that his brother Ranger was also being retired but he was in Arkansas. The boys now live together in retirement, they are just 3 years old. I have a hard time telling them apart.

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Just don't mix up the collars then you'll always know who is who:idea:
I am always amazed at the speed those dogs can run and they make it look like they do it with out effort. Congrats
what is the 3rd dog in the picture?

The 3rd dog is our Chow/Shepard mix - Rusty. He is about 11 yrs. old, we got him at the local animal shelter. We have 5 dogs in all, a Min-Pin, and a Border Collie mix fill out the pack.

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Thanks for giving a couple dogs a second chance in life (I've got two rescue dogs myself).
A buddy of mine adopted a greyhound a couple years back. Sweet dog, but no concept of how to "play". Apparently it spent its youth as a working (running) dog, with not much time exposed to socializing and normal dog activities. Fortunately after spending several months with his other dog (lab/hound mix), the dog learned what normal dog life is, and is now a great dog that loves to fetch.
Did I mention it's a damn fast dog!
The Greyhounds are definitely clueless when you first get them - like you say - working dogs with no social life - but they do come around pretty quickly. Talk about velcro - these dogs stick to me like glue. Lately I have been accused of having a tail.
Nice looking dogs,nice of you to take them in. With no social life how are they with people,do they have short tempers ?
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.
Nice looking dogs,nice of you to take them in. With no social life how are they with people,do they have short tempers ?

These are the most mellow laid back dogs you could meet. Most of the time they lay around, sometimes they run & play. They are very affectionate and loyal and low maintenace for the most part.

The one with the short temper is Kitty, the Border Collie mix (maybe we gave her a complex with that name). I took her off of the streets of Camden NJ - one of the most dangerous cities in the US - she was to have been a "bait dog" for the pit bulls that the morons in Camden like to fight against each other. Kitty is the Alpha female and rules the house. She is extremely loyal to me but she sometimes scares other people.
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I"m not a dawg person, I can accept cats much more readily....but wife sez after I"m gawn she will load up the bed with dawgs taking my place....

gotta admit that Chiwawa alerts us to someone coming around.....

Nice looking dogs,nice of you to take them in. With no social life how are they with people,do they have short tempers ?

These are the most mellow laid back dogs you could meet. Most of the time they lay around, sometimes they run & play. They are very affectionate and loyal and low maintenace for the most part.

The one with the short temper is Kitty, the Border Collie mix (maybe we gave her a complex with that name). I took her off of the streets of Camden NJ - one of the most dangerous cities in the US - she was to have been a "bait dog" for the pit bulls that the morons in Camden like to fight against each other. . She is extremely loyal to me but she sometimes scares other people.

Kitty is the Alpha female and rules the house,

that is where the term bitch comes from when used as other than the mother of a liter of puppies.
Nice looking dogs,nice of you to take them in. With no social life how are they with people,do they have short tempers ?

These are the most mellow laid back dogs you could meet. Most of the time they lay around, sometimes they run & play. They are very affectionate and loyal and low maintenace for the most part.

The one with the short temper is Kitty, the Border Collie mix (maybe we gave her a complex with that name). I took her off of the streets of Camden NJ - one of the most dangerous cities in the US - she was to have been a "bait dog" for the pit bulls that the morons in Camden like to fight against each other. . She is extremely loyal to me but she sometimes scares other people.

Kitty is the Alpha female and rules the house,

that is where the term bitch comes from when used as other than the mother of a liter of puppies.

Kitty has been called "Bitch" many a time. She has earned the title and is proud of it.

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