C3 Power steering options

Beagle 1

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Orange Co. Ca
I rolled the 69 out on the driveway to tinker a little and noticed a large puddle of ps fluid on the floor. I rebuilt this unit about 10k miles ago with a seal kit and I'd like to fix it right so that I don't have to do it again. Fluid is leaking up around the ball stud.
The possibilities are:
1 new unit for about $200
2 rebuilt unit for $150
3 deluxe rebuild kit with new valve stud for $45
4 seal kit for $18
#2 is out. I don't buy rebuilt parts anymore unless I have to.
I'm leaning towards #3 or #4.
Now, the questions are, will a seal kit work long term? Are there any parts that may be worn and will eventually leak again? is there any advantage to buying the deluxe kit with the new ball stud?
Any thoughts???
Talk to Bird- he's been fighting the same problem on his '81. I think he's found a new control valve supplier, after going thru a box of rebuilts.
just replaced mine with one from vbp, just bolt and play no leaks and did not have to balance, also 5 year warranty, mine was also leaking at the ball stud, talked to gtr1999 "gary" and this was the plan I went with... so far so good:amazed:.
Bad mammories, of that stock system,....i'ts my recollection I was on my 3rd control valve when doing the rack install winter 01-02, before any kits were out....another minor reason I did the changeout..for 200 bux, and some welding time from a friend...took two attempts on the mounts...been there since....:noworry:

@ Scott

Pls do me a favor and measure how much further to the pax side the Borgeson box will sit. I am running BB sidepipe headers and there isn't much space left over.
The Borgeson PS box is on my to do list may be for next winter.
I will of course also need to install a PS pump.

Rgds. Günther

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