C3 upper left control arm.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Someone slammed the drivers wheel/fender for me...bent the upper arm need to replace it, something fairly clean or will clean up decently....

What happened ??? No pics no story ?? ... nothing ?? Hit and run ???

Let me know if you need help with bodywork.....
What happened ??? No pics no story ?? ... nothing ?? Hit and run ???

Let me know if you need help with bodywork.....

Eh, took 3 pix just for posteriorarity....nothing major, nicked the ~3/4 inch fender edge in one spot, and cracked below the side scoop, didn't touch the rocker panel, mainly hit the LF wheel, almost squarely in the middle...the cross support took the shot, saving frame damage....so the arm bent....

of all the funny/odd things, I level out the garage and do the home align shit, measure the arm with the pass side as reference, and it's about 1/2 inch shorter from BJ grease fitting to same point on legs of arms....so it's bent..
what is funny is that taking out ALL the shims on driver's side, pulled that damn arm right back into alignment, same caster, same camber as on the other side....so I set the toe, and drove it....here in the hood up to 40 mph and cutting the wheel sharp, it's fine...so I dumped some glass resin in the cracks, and a tad of paint tmrw or when I get to it, and call it a day....
wheel got some paint scratches, but runs true...

getting off the freeway at one of these fucked up Florida interchanges with the lights, I was stopped first in line going to turn left....a local ambulance comes up behind me, so I hear him super loud, top was down, and look left, hidden behind a line of useless light/sign poles was this silver Toyota, not going very fast..... State cop didn't issue any tickets, glad it was him and not Duval county who are notorius pricks....the Florida state men have always been decent and VERY helpful around here....so anyway the ambulance takes off, and of course the state cop says, sue the city, they cover accidents like this, told of a 16 y/o girl on other side of town that was in same shituation some time ago...killed by a truck, ....

yeh, right, sue the city....fuck that, waste of time....

like I got tons of money to fight Dewey Cheatam and Howe in court....

glad it was him and not Duval county who are notorious pricks....

Just so you know the name Duval doesn't give a person a predisposition for being a prick .. by the way Duval means "of the the valley" I don't know of any valleys in Florida.
really sorry about the accident i hope its all fixed up quick.
glad it was him and not Duval county who are notorious pricks....

Just so you know the name Duval doesn't give a person a predisposition for being a prick .. by the way Duval means "of the the valley" I don't know of any valleys in Florida.
really sorry about the accident i hope its all fixed up quick.

Eh, well when I redo the suspension sometime this winter, surely it needs replacing at that time,

meantime I have Jed's Clamper to take care of....got the rear lights sorted out finally....then them topside running lights come afterwards....

I dunno when they are supposed to be lit, even....with the running/headlights as per side markers?? freeking thing lit like a Xmas tree...
