Can't we help ourselves?


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
Any time there is a global disaster we are the first country to respond with aid. The Gulf Coast is being permanently destroyed and our government does little but give lip service (so it seems). WTF!?!?!? Call out the friggin' Natl Guard and give 'em all hazmat suits - I dunno - AMERICA PLEASE HELP YOURSELF AND DO SOMETHING!

What are we waiting for?

NOT as big a disASSter as the media claims.....

it's not going to last FOREVER, maybe a couple of years....

ASSuming they can stop the flow in a few months..or less, obviously....

Hell of a way to find a 'gusher' and it's the fault of the green weenies/enviro freeks....directly and totally...

I dunno Gene.... California's beaches have little tar balls everywhere for decades now, you want 'em on your doorstep too?

They WERE, decades ago, I remember as a young little kid on the beaches of Ocean City Maryland, year ~1950 or so, and the family took vacations once a year there so I found these 'tar balls' on the beach, rolling in the sand, I picked them up and mommy said to put them down, they are all sticky and gooey so to not play with them, try to avoid I did, because I had to have my toes and hands cleaned with alky or gasoline, whatever, and that stunk....woopie doo...

but by age 12 or so, make that 1956 they were gone....

now keep in mind that was in northern waters, with the gulf stream going north carrying all them sunken ships crude oil or bunker oil or fuel oil, or whatEVER upon the shores, almost directly....

now figger the evaporation rate in the gulf where it's hotter'n hell or or the mid/north atlantic....MY guess 2 years....

BTW, I LOVE shrimp and sea food, not much of a fish eater though, olde tyme family religious crap...hated LENT or anything to DO with fish since....

I can do that - just change the channel, have another drink, smoke another joint, pop another damitol.... let the world go to hell without me.... but I do like to eat sea food, where's it gonna come from, CHINA? Their stuff is TOXIC!
So we should be like George W. and just not give a shit?

I can do that - just change the channel, have another drink, smoke another joint, pop another damitol.... let the world go to hell without me.... but I do like to eat sea food, where's it gonna come from, CHINA? Their stuff is TOXIC!

GW,?? I don't think much of HIM either....except he did do war on islamics, another thread/topic....

I say the elimination of the entire EPA and all their minions is a number ONE essential act to the continuation of modern industrial life....

either THAT or the ass end of a mule smelling the gas.....and therefore be much easier to CONTROL ....via the .gov who is SO happy to give you everything you need, maybe.....but not what you want....


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