Carburetor Question 68 327


Dec 24, 2008
Rochester factory carburetor
If I suspect I may have water in my carburetor, how do I empty it and will I disturb the settings that were made by the carb rebuilder.
I think I had moisture in my fuel and now I need to clean the filters and fuel bowls but do not know how to disassemble the carb
Thank you in advance
Pull the carb off and flip it upside-down. It will drain out the vent, and flipping it will cause no problem with the carb or its settings (every carb I build is flipped and drained after testing and prior to shipment).

It is fixed and running well.
The culprit was the rubber fuel feed line going from the metal fuel line attached to the frame, over to the fuel pump.
It had a kink in it and the rubber was starting to crack.
Replaced it with new style rubber fuel line $7.50per foot) that can handle the ethanol and looped it so as to eliminate possibily of kinking again. Took it out for a run and runs great, no bog, no hesitation. Glad it wasn't that carb or needle and seat inside the carb.
Have agreat summer what is left of it Lars