Carfax, AutoCheck etc?


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
I am looking for a 90's Chevy truck that has been in the south or south west for the last 30 years. I am in Ohio, and will have to travel to look at any candidate vehicle. I have a 97 and it is rusted badly. There are no patch panel fixes for this.

So I would like to see a report that shows me where the car has been it's lifetime (not so much its service history). There is obviously Carfax ($100 for 4 reports) but they have competitors these days. AutoCheck ($60 for 5 reports limited to 21 days). So I will be looking for a vehicle that's pretty rare (30 years old with no rust). I don't think I will do that in 21 days and it will probably take more than 4 reports.

Anyone know of a different vehicle check company?
If you have a vin most states let you check the title. For free. You get some info from that.

I always used carfax.

The picture below shows a lot of information on titles.

Previous state was AR. Mileage is listed. Date registered. Etc.

So if you get a pdf of the title up front, you should be able to get some info. Then verify on current and previous DOT state sites.
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Thanks. I'll give that a try. I'm looking for a late 90's 2dr Tahoe that isn't a rustbucket. I called about one today that is in Arizona but the guy bought it in Utah. I have a 97 that I bought in 2003 that was from North Carolina but 21 years of Ohio ate it up pretty bad.
I punched the vin from title above and put it into been verified. It found it and said it would give
a partial report if you entered an email. If you have some old email addresses, might be useful.
Your tax dollars at work

I'm not getting anywhere with DMV searches. They all seem to lead to which is a DOJ government website that is Federally funded by TAXPAYER money and serves as a clearing house for for profit companies:

NMVTIS Funding for States

Since DOJ became responsible for NMVTIS in 1997, nearly $33 million in federal funding has been provided to states and the operator of the system, AAMVA, to make the system operational

That .gov site lists "approved" providers that charge fees similar to Carfax with possibly no History reports (state titled in and dates):

Approved NMVTIS Data Provider's Links for both Commercial & Public Customers
Looks like has individual reports for $9.95 that include historical state registration. That will work.
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Found a 1999 2dr Tahoe. Pick it up Tuesday. In California from 1999-2019 then Tennessee.

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Glad you found one. Used cars from the rust belt are not worth the effort.