carter fuel pump connections


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
i bought a used carter electric fuel pump the other day. i've test run it to make sure it works, and it does. i need to connect it tomorrow since the old pump is really pissing me off (as soon as it warms up, it loses it's prime for no apparent reason). the problem is there's not threaded studs for the + and - terminals. they're just knurled jobs.
i understand that carter has their own super special deal, but i don't have one. has anybody done their own fix for this?
check the link below. the universal solenoid on the bottom is the one pissing me off. the rotary vane on top is the kind i just got.
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So the problem is you don't know how to attach the wires to the non threaded lugs?? How bout starlocks???
Do you remember the slip on connectors for the old Ford fender mounted solenoids? That's what you need. I bet some electrical section like at NAPA would have them.
Do you remember the slip on connectors for the old Ford fender mounted solenoids? That's what you need. I bet some electrical section like at NAPA would have them.

I have lost them too, and I just polished the brass tips and quickly soldered a wire on there, but I have a good 800f tip on a Weller soldering station, no not try that with junk gear or a torch....

Do you remember the slip on connectors for the old Ford fender mounted solenoids? That's what you need. I bet some electrical section like at NAPA would have them.

I have lost them too, and I just polished the brass tips and quickly soldered a wire on there, but I have a good 800f tip on a Weller soldering station, no not try that with junk gear or a torch....


That would work also. Solder them up well, and coat it with 3M liquid insulation or enamel.
Do you remember the slip on connectors for the old Ford fender mounted solenoids? That's what you need. I bet some electrical section like at NAPA would have them.

I have lost them too, and I just polished the brass tips and quickly soldered a wire on there, but I have a good 800f tip on a Weller soldering station, no not try that with junk gear or a torch....


That would work also. Solder them up well, and coat it with 3M liquid insulation or enamel.

Being ME, as you maybe guess.....RTV also acts as a vibration damper to keep wire from breaking off....

Starlock :)
ahh, i've seen them but never thought about connecting that way. i had some female barrel type crimp on connectors. i had to spred them out a bit but it's a nice snug connection.
at least now i got it running. the thing i don't know what to make of is that this pump pulls really well (i have a clear sight bowl before the pump) but it's like it pulls then the fuel falls off (sight glass goes empty) then it pulls some more, then falls off, pulls some more. just strange. the car's running fine though.
?? Just crimp en eye on the end of the wire, put it over the lug and secure with a starlock.
?? Just crimp en eye on the end of the wire, put it over the lug and secure with a starlock.

The starlock never really bites into the metal loop and with vibration it will come loose enough to allow corrosion to take over....

can't get the torque on the thing...

TT, i see where you're going, and i'm sure it will work but i kind of agree with GENE on this one. i don't think it would be a long term solution. the barrel connectors i'm using are only a little better, but i had them here and so far, so good. looks like i'll have to pick up carter's super special connector deal they make just for their pumps. bastards!:cussing: