Chalk one up for the skateboard kids.....

I don't know why they quit wailing on him, he was still moving and had unbroken bones. Fucker deserved way worse than that... pos
Some older dude came walking up, were they in front of a school? I think that's why. I would have beaten his ass to death with one of them planks w/ wheels :D
I saw that but it seemed that they were pulling him off well before the security or whatever got there. The asshole had a gun. It woulda taken a pitbull to stop me from continuing to beat the fu(cker with that skateboard.
I am sure if it had been me, I would have imbedded my skateboard in his back.
Adrenaline is a VERY powerfull drug.
Most skaters (though they appear to be just skinny kids some times)are usually ripped and in great shape.Some of the blows and falls they sustain would lay me up for months!A skate board can be a powerful weapon too.When the friend started wailing on the shooter with the board I spit my coffee!!!That was true justice!(And funny too!)I would not have stopped till he was unconcious.Skaters 1, Gangbangers 0.

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