Race gas or av gas?
What I am curious to observe is just what can I buy over the shelf that is most similar to what WAS ordinary gasoline...pre ethanol daze.....
then to pour as similar a chem I can buy to ethanol...I presume denatured alky....
so to mix them pretty good, and set a quart off to the side with a sealed up top on it...
and see what happens after say 2-3 weeks.....
but I need a FAIR comparison so to name a gallon of X and Y that are most similar....that's all....
I want to know what is happening in this gas tank as to why the engine runs to inconsistently BAD at idle....there has to be a REASON,
maybe too much time on my hands,...whatEVER, I want a answer, damnit...
obviously no one else can spend as much time with the car as I can, much less PAY someone.....so
I have to get into chemistry as it's my only other path....I have to solve mysteries like this shit....part of my nature....
NO, that would be olde tyme leaded gas, like I wish we could still get,
I fought a crazy problem that almost a year ago I found the water/gas in bottom of my tank, when it was cleaned out, the car ran much better, then I changed injectors, ran GREAT, but it's been maybe 6? tanks of gas since then, and it's getting back to the same crappy idle I suffered, not as bad, but still shakes....so the problem is returning, since in the past, adding Techron helped a lot, it lead me to fuel related .....I never suspected that much dead water/fuel in the tank bottom, so the issue is where is it coming from, and how to cure the problem.....IF it's due to my suspicions about this ethanol crap at 10% in modern gasolines here, there is nothing to be done about it, unless some sort of filter, marine type gas/water separator, whatever....
so before going nutz changing a bunch of crap around, I thought to pull a little test of my own, see what happens when mixing my own alky/gas cocktail, and see if it separates out.....6 tanks of gas in the last maybe 4 months is not a lot of use, it's a DD, but not like I was doing 20 miles to work and back every day....
tank is kind of lo now, maybe to drain it totally and then do like last time just to see what is what....