Christmas comes Early?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Retired Again!
Now that I have "re-retired," my schedule puts me in Southeast Asia during the "giving season" and away from my "stuff."

I have a few books in the library, that I will part with for the cost of shipping only. If you are interested in them PM me and I'll mark the off the list.

First up;

Might be described as a bit basic - but it is for "dummies" some quick thumbnails on mods - not a "ricer-text" really


It is not a Vizzard book - but has heaps of part numbers and cross reference details

This one is a onetime "classic":

It has some loose pages - but its going for the cost of shipping only


A Haynes book so it has everything, wiring diagrams, how tos, and even a few greasy fingerprints.

I only ask that you PM me and not take this a "resell" opportunity.

I'll take shipping (actual cost) and bundle if you request more than one to limit shipping charges. PayPal - no Nigerian stocks/bonds, Western Union, etc.

I'd tend to give priority to "newbies" but let me know your interest and help me clean the shelves!

Cheers - Jim
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I have that "how to restore and modify" book and it was one of the first books I bought maybe ten years ago when I started with this so called "hobby"..... It's a great book.....
Somebody is going to have a early christmas gift !!!

I was going to ask for the hacks and mods book , then I realized I know a lot about hacks and mods already.... Does the author explain how to become a dummy ??
Dean -
We'll be flying into Langkawai. There, we'll spend some time getting the boat ready, launch then sail up to Phuket.

We have plans to get some interior refinishing, upgrades, and mods. (Hey, am I sick- or what?) While that is going on - do some inland exploring/touring.

Then, back to the US.
Hope to be there during that window for sure! Planning on leaving US mid-Oct, get the engine started (battery charging and auxilary power). It has sit for 5 years, needs the cooling system rodded out and a bit of TLC.

Then sail up to Phuket. Now that the visa-situation has changed - will be a bit easier. Was pretty strange last year.