"Clean-up in isle 2, 3 and 6"

And that's not counting the charges for possesion of a firearm. If the current clowns in office get their way, it's going to a crime to own any type of firearm. And they're going to do it by being criminals themselves.

Look at all the media coverage from the thing in Florida- and there has been nothing on this anywhere.
I know a few Texans who will give up their lives before giving up their guns.
Had a guy that didnt live to far from me felt the same way, maybe you heard of him - Randy Weaver.
Northern portion of the Idaho/Washington/Montana area don't believe in the mamby pamby shit the big city slickers like so much.
All the Clinton acolytes forget that period with Janet Reno waging war on Americans instead of the future terrorists,

I remember Janet Reno very well....killing Americans for political gain:sweat: