Cocoa Beach - sand sun'n fun 2010


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Sunday September 12th - noon

TimAT is in the sunshine state so just like last year we're going tp meet in Cocoa..... here's where we meet (maps below): parking lot at the end of Hwy 520, next to Ron Jon's Surfshop.


This is the view from the deck:

the blue outline is the parking lot that is all paved, the satelite photo is a few years old... the red/yellow X is where the restaurant/bar is located...

Now show the target central from eye of the hurry caine......:crap::crap::gurney::nuts:
I'm coming too ;)

about time you get your a$$ over here to sunny FL ;)

Show pale face what SUNSHINE is all about....but seriously, if they did plan a trip, it be good for them to take time to head north along various routs, and drive along the mountain tops and some of the east coast through DC into/through NYC/Boston/Martha's Vinyard, MAINE....
Maryland science center/inner harbor Baltimore,.....
Williamsburg Va. , Mystic Seaport, Conn.....Eastern Shore of the bay for crabs and beer....GOTTA do that!!!

to spend about a week in DC, I could fill pages of stuff to see there, it is a VERY long list....I have some retired friends in that town, among us we could easy fill 2 weeks in that town...and STILL not see the joint....:gurney::gurney::ill::drink:
I'm coming too ;)

about time you get your a$$ over here to sunny FL ;)

Show pale face what SUNSHINE is all about....but seriously, if they did plan a trip, it be good for them to take time to head north along various routs, and drive along the mountain tops and some of the east coast through DC into/through NYC/Boston/Martha's Vinyard, MAINE....
Maryland science center/inner harbor Baltimore,.....
Williamsburg Va. , Mystic Seaport, Conn.....Eastern Shore of the bay for crabs and beer....GOTTA do that!!!

to spend about a week in DC, I could fill pages of stuff to see there, it is a VERY long list....I have some retired friends in that town, among us we could easy fill 2 weeks in that town...and STILL not see the joint....:gurney::gurney::ill::drink:


I'm in, after that you make me want to head down there myself, a few years back visiting a friend in the Port Republic area we went out on the Potomic (I think) crabbing and came back in with a couple bushels of blue crabs. every time we get together we have a feast. plenty to do down there.
I'm coming too ;)

about time you get your a$$ over here to sunny FL ;)

Show pale face what SUNSHINE is all about....but seriously, if they did plan a trip, it be good for them to take time to head north along various routs, and drive along the mountain tops and some of the east coast through DC into/through NYC/Boston/Martha's Vinyard, MAINE....
Maryland science center/inner harbor Baltimore,.....
Williamsburg Va. , Mystic Seaport, Conn.....Eastern Shore of the bay for crabs and beer....GOTTA do that!!!

to spend about a week in DC, I could fill pages of stuff to see there, it is a VERY long list....I have some retired friends in that town, among us we could easy fill 2 weeks in that town...and STILL not see the joint....:gurney::gurney::ill::drink:


I'm in, after that you make me want to head down there myself, a few years back visiting a friend in the Port Republic area we went out on the Potomic (I think) crabbing and came back in with a couple bushels of blue crabs. every time we get together we have a feast. plenty to do down there.

:gurney::drink: The memories of the crabs/beer parties, 2 bushels/crabs, a steamer full of shrimp, a keg or two maybe a barrel of beer on ice....set out on the deck starting around noon and go till everyone crawled away on to the parking deck.....

If nobody but me shows up, it's going to have been a long drive for lunch- I'm planning on being out of Miami at 8am..............
Dave Moroso called a couple daze ago and we meeting at 8 am or so....maybe b'fast on way down, I probably need a pit stop.....good party last night across the street, neighbor Bob turned 69 on Friday....:shocking:

so 12 noon, be there or be square....

Well guys, it was fun seeing you all, Dave Moroso has a cool vette there as does Karsten. Tim's ride was not much to talk about though.....

(the black VW rental)......

Dave and I carpooled down and back, and so we had to swim like a shark on way up north.....but the car barely leaked a drop....that is quite a accomplishment Dave....

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Good to everyone for sure-- And the wet ride you had going north made up for the ride south I had last year- I was looking for someplace to rent a submarine.. This year, I made it all the way back and never saw a drop.

Thanks to you guys for taking the time to have lunch- :hi:
On my way to Cocoa I almost ran out gas... when I looked at my gauge it was sitting at "E"... in the middle of nowhere in the Florida swamp ... great..... too bad that these AutoMeter gauges don't have an idiot light - you actually have to look at the gauge :clap::yahoo:

Anyway.... lucked out and made it to a gas station :1st:

No rain on the way home this time - I lucked out again, my wipers still don't work... I was going to fix the wipers after last year's lunch in Cocoa when I drove home in the rain - 45 miles in the rain without wipers is so much fun...

Had a great time today, hopefully we get a few more guys out there next time :thumbs:


I very much enjoyed and appreciated meeting you guys yesterday, it's always fun to meet people with similar interests and to share info about our cars!! Gene's right, the ride home was really something. Just south of St. Augustine we ran into rain so bad cars were pulled over and no one was doing more than about 30 -35 on the highway, you couldn't see more than three car lengths with the wipers on full (thankfully mine work Karsten!! :rain:) Sorry your side leaked those few drops Gene, I'll see if I can fix that :D!!

A good time had by all, it'd be nice to see if we can get more Fl vettes together next time! BTW, Gene, my last name is Amoroso....if it were Moroso, I'd pay less for parts!!