Collier Technologies

Kid Vette

Mar 25, 2008
Santa Cruz, CA
Anybody know anything about this company? Collier Technologies Corvette Replacement Frames I just saw an ad for them in the latest Corvette Enthusiast. I would love to get my hands on the SolidEdge CAD model of the frame that they have created. That's the CAD software that I use as well. a SS frame certainly would look cool!

Also noticed that CE uses Zwede's Vette in their advertising. Pretty cool. Don't think he follows this forum though.
Looks like they laser scanned an original frame. It also looks like they are building the frame with boxed plates, and really nicely done.

I like the C4 front steer setup. Can't see if they notched the crossmember for the steering link.

Do you think that is a C4 rack?
LOoked like a C4 rack to me, having changed mine twice in 3 years on my '87....

Jeebus, you read that test report they have under durability, they broke springs, bolts, Christ knows what in the tests....snapped all sorts of shit.....take a hammer and beat on it a while, why don't they....

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