Convert power windows to manual ??


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
Passenger side window motor seems to be getting slower and slooower.... probably just a matter of time until it dies....
I wonder how much it would take to convert to manual windows... I really don't roll them up and down all that often, they're usually down and I only roll them up when I park the car somewhere (mall, grocery store, bar, restaurants) - at home the '79 is in the garage and the windows stay down ...

So is it easy or do I need to replace most of the hardware ???
might very well be corroded connections. Easiest way to check is to pull the connector off the motor and use an external battery with some heavy gauge wires. Hook the + to one of the terminals where the connector goes, one is up, the other is down. The ground is the motor case. If the window flies up and down then you know it's not the motor.
Were electric wondows an option by 79 or standard fit?. Surely the glass would be the same so it would only be a matter of mating up the scissor mechanism?

Anyway, new electric motors are pretty cheap - have a look on eBay.

One little mod I want to do is to replace the switches with something modern that "lock" in when you push the switch so the window rolls all the way down without you needing to hold the switch all the way...
eh, had the glass out for my ill fated paint job, the counter balance spring on that main pivot point fell out on the pass side, looked like it was rusted/broken for a long time, I forgot about it, window goes up/down ok with door open....

but when fighting that weatherstrip, it barely closes, even with engine running...

driver's side was fine.....them springs are like 25 bux or so.....I found 3 for 5 bux at a flea market....almost same size, should work....
A lot of times they will speed up considerably if you were to lube up the channels nice

YES, but I have had no luck other than a temporary fix for maybe a year or so...then the summer get them and so I found taking apart and soaking in a pan of gasoline over night to kill all the old OEM grease, then reassemble DRY as the rollers are like nylon....damn thing go up and down like a guillotine then....

Stay on topic here darn it!

I would like to know if the manual windows are an option too, since I took the glass and electric stuff out of my doors in order to lighten them up so they wouldn't sag (heavy doors + vert conversion = saggy doors).
You could get manual window in 79 but it wasn't that common and they don't make replacement manual regulators. My neighbor has a 79 with manual windows that just had to replace a regulator.

It shouldn't be hard to switch over. Just swap the regulators and replace what ever part in 79 has the switches in.

I know the regulator is different then the earlier cars but I wonder if one would fit.