Cost to rebuild a seatbelt retractor?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
I found a company that claims they can do it for $40-$80. Does this sound about right? Any recommendations for companies that do this?
Without getting involved in webbing or stitching, I have found them a fairly simple device to safely fix....but there are a couple tricks....first most important is that end coiled up flat spring in the white plactic housing.....that SOB is about a mile long and tough to get in place again....removing it has to be done carefully to avoid the mess, it's nothing other than a similar arrangement to a window counter balance spring...looks like a stove top...

I have found most of the mechanisms are almost identical....:beer:
Spring was too worn out, rewound it but it wouldn't pull the belt all the way back in. Sent it to seatbeltsolutions, they put a new spring in it for $50. I'll let you guys know how well it turned out when it arrives in the mail.