Custom L88/Stinger hood

Flares would look great on your car (or on any C3 for that matter), however, you already chose your wheels and backspacing so if you add flares now you'll need spacers or the wheels sit too far inboard.
Spending that much money and effort on wheels to get them to fit correctly and THEN adding spacers is not a very good (smart) move... leave it as is....
Honestly after watching Jeremy work on his car ... their is no way i want to tackle this type of work ... i can just see it becoming a never ending process.... 10 000 for paint and body work sounds like a good deal

Come one Terry...if a 21 year old kid can do it, anyone can...right? Actually, that isnt true! Seriously, you are making a smart move paying someone to do it. You have to have a thing for bodywork...and a ridiculous amount of patience...or else you will be disappointed with the end result. I'm lucky in that I enjoy bodywork.
..if a 21 year old kid can do it, anyone can...right?

damnit man, you're already 21?? I think I started following your little project when you were like 16 or so.... holy shit, am I really 5 years older than back when this whole 'rookie' thread started... ?? we need a *greyhairsmiley*
You know Jeremy .... hanging out in your garage has given me incentive to try it myself ... but then i realize the intense amount of work you put into it ... So i have decided to just pay someone and enjoy it when it is done ... i am lucky i have a place that can do it and it will be a good job ... the hood was sort of a test for them and they passed with flying colors ... so it looks like next spring it will get painted ... when the insurance rush is over and the body shop is looking for work....

No flares .. i like the 70's kinda look with tires sticking out of the fenders.
..if a 21 year old kid can do it, anyone can...right?

damnit man, you're already 21?? I think I started following your little project when you were like 16 or so.... holy shit, am I really 5 years older than back when this whole 'rookie' thread started... ?? we need a *greyhairsmiley*

I started the thread when I was 18, not 16. I got the car when I was 17. But yes, it has been a long time. I can't wait till I actually get to drive this thing one day.