Dementia 46’s Accomplishments

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
Open Borders – over 200,000 + illegals in July, Jan to June ??? thousands more, not counting those not “caught”
San Francisco has more drug OD deaths than china virus deaths
Ketstone Pipeline shut down
Russia to Germany pipeline Approved
Energy independence gone – beholden to Saudi – our “friends” who financed 911
600,000 new Automatic Weapons for taliban
???? Tanks, Humvees, Blackhawks, Drones, etc, etc to taliban.
Gasoline average $1.87 gallon Jan 21, 2021 – twice that in Connecticut - $5 bux in Kalifornia (I sent Larry Elder $100)
Iran has enough enriched U235 for bomb – thanks to obama & kerry also
Deviant sexual behavior encouraged – 4X as many women had breast removed since 2010 – about 1/5000 of 1 percent % of female population – many young girls - sick
Military mission changed from protecting USA – to woke agenda – Milley is a farce – rumored to soon be leaving – a real Mille Vanille -
Sec Defense Austin – bigger farce
US citizens discriminated against by “vaccine police” – illegals get free pass, free air fare to your home town
china foreign minister figuratively spits in US minister eye meeting in AK
Puppet president of afghanistan runs away with $169,000,000 – so they say – guaranteed it’s mine & your money – daughter & son in NY & DC living high on the hog
Thousands of US citizens trapped in that sand & mountainous chit hole
Prediction: US hostages get exchanged for KSM + others in Gitmo
32% more opium acreage that before in afghanistan
Scum bag crack head spawn gets free pass to sell access – as the uncles have done since dementia yo entered government – another politician who has never had a real job & been on the government dole for 48 years
FBI, IRS, DOD, WHO, CDC worthless partisans
Teachers Union – AFT & UFT – the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to K-12 education – and I was a public school teacher 42 years ago
No free speech, no free press, fake news – they are shouting Death to America – but they are “friendly”.
Hundreds of millions lost from Riots, Burning, Looting, Murder, Arson - “ but they are “peaceful protestors” – setting fire to the Police Station
Landlords can suk; AOC wants to do away with rent as well as mortgages. Go back to el shabab & prosper. (I’m not a landlord.)
NFL, NBA, Soccer, NYT, CNN, MSDNC, WaPo in bed with china
How about the price of groceries? Cheap eh?

Help me out - What else did I miss?
Forgot to say - I emailed the above - exactly - to the 2 US Connecticut Centaur's (in Greek mythology - half man & half donkey) Cen. Blumenthal & Cen. Murphy and encourage you to so the same to your Centaur. One note: you must select a category from their list of why you are contacting them. They never have a category related to the message - so I just select Economy.

PS a Centaur is half man & half horse - but donkey is more appropriate
Gotta say, in less than 30 days, I have never seen a chain of mismanaged events devolve into such an absurd disaster.

Yet there is NO shame for it.
Blumenthal, isn`t that the guy who lied (and got caught lying) about serving in Vietnam? the dems are like lemmings, they do whatever Peelosi or cryin Schmuck Schumer tells them to do or to vote....
I'm also amazed at the democRAT social justice warriors - don't run very good cities - among other failures. From 100 Pennsylvania Ave, to DC Mayor, to Baltimore Mayor, to Philly Mayor to every rat hole American city run by Dirty Politicians. Some are even felons - or should I say ex-felons or former felons now to be ... in charge of handing out contracts, approving or endorsing those friends business with that town, that city, that county, ...
The one thing that November 2020 PROVED to me is that our elections are far more compromised, and have been for much longer, than any of us realize.

Until my dying breath, I will never believe Pedo Joe legitimately won.
