didn't take my own advice.


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2013
i have always preached that no part for an engine can be too clean. i disassemble parts clean them then install.
well , dummy me i had a leaking fuel line on my 750 double pumper. so i went out and bought a new one , pulled it off the cardboard that it was shrink wrapped too. and wait for it. failed to heed my own advice . yes without cleaning it i put it on the carb and guess what, both needle and seats stuck.:censored::hunter: had to pull them out clean them and re adjust the floats. all because i forgot to take the advice i preach. the stupidest thing can bite you. the moral, oh don't rub it in.:club:
must have been some dirt in it, nothing big but it caused the needle to stick on both bowls. i was surprised too, and pissed. all o.k now

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