Millionaire Playboy
...machines (cars, for instance) have some type of mojo, for lack of a better word? I wouldn't go so far as to say a spirit or soul, but some kind of energy to them. I'm curious because the truck I got last month seems to be bitter from being mistreated before. Sounds strange, I know. But I just got the engine back in her today and she fought me every inch of the way. Just dropping the motor was about a 2 hour ordeal. Transmission wouldn't line up, it was cocked off to the side, I mean rotated about 20*. I have no idea how that happened but I can tell you one thing, it took a shitload of persuading to get back upright. Then, the exhaust manifolds didn't want to line up. And then the exhaust pipe didn't want to line up with the manifolds, and the brackets, and this and that. It was so bad, I had to remove 5 of the 6 spark plug heat shields just to get the spark plugs started. I mean fkn rediculous shit. Here I sit at 3am, just came in from an all day ass whuppin' from this thing. All I need to do to start it is top off fluids, check timing and she should run. I'm hoping I can reverse some of that bad mojo with some good, quality maintenance and care.