doing something with the ugly 81


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Las Vegas Nevada
My 81 suffered an Earl Scheib job about twenty minutes before I bought it and has gotten uglier ever since. All the clearcoat is peeling leaving a dull grease absorbent surface. Since it's my daily driver I've elected to just paint panels with the GM 10 white until the whole thing is at least one color. And there's the rub...

First job is to paint and install the new urethane nose I bought. Would you believe none of the usual suspects in Vegas have the flex additive? I can't believe it. Am I asking the wrong question?

Anyway, point of the missive, do you know online suppliers of paint products so I don't have to deal with the hillbillys around me?
Assuming your asking parts/paint supply stores, what about trying a paint shop or a dealer?? I've always known it as a "flex agent", you'd think it'd be common with all the new junk on the street.... If you still can't find it, I'll ask a freind of mine, who's a painter, exactly what to ask for.
I used flex agent on the urethane nose of a C4 a while back and was not happy with the way it looked when clearcoated. I have not used it since. Modern paints are pretty durable on their own.

Here is an online source for paint and supplies:
Thanx BB, that was the site I've been looking for. I just didn't get the combination quite right.

Now if I can just find those rollers TT seems to favor...:D
I never used a roller but here in NL all the guys with the low budget stuff use rollers to paint their cars flat black.

It's pretty obvious from your work that you don't use a roller.:thumbs: I was having a laugh back at you after your percieved insult that I would be doing a half-assed job so might as well use a roller. That's not likely what you meant, it's hard to see the grins behind an Email.

I can tell you for a fact that my car would look better right now if it HAD been done with a roller, at least that can be flatted and polished. The front half of the car is a mess whilst the rear half is still shiny and presentable. Apparently the front dried so the clearcoat didn't adhere properly.

Having painted the racer numerous times I'm fairly confident I can paint panels with the Single stage Centari system and have them match in the end. Particularly with the GM polar white.:drink:
I have used and been very happy. Look up your products data sheet on line. I bet it has a flex agent already added or are approved out of the can to be used on flexible parts. Most are heading that way because the flex agent does weird stuff to the finish/color when added later. Also so many cars use flexible parts who wants to mix and track paint with and without when doing crash repair?!?!

It's pretty obvious from your work that you don't use a roller.:thumbs: I was having a laugh back at you after your percieved insult that I would be doing a half-assed job so might as well use a roller. That's not likely what you meant, it's hard to see the grins behind an Email.

I can tell you for a fact that my car would look better right now if it HAD been done with a roller, at least that can be flatted and polished. The front half of the car is a mess whilst the rear half is still shiny and presentable. Apparently the front dried so the clearcoat didn't adhere properly.

Having painted the racer numerous times I'm fairly confident I can paint panels with the Single stage Centari system and have them match in the end. Particularly with the GM polar white.:drink:

I didn't mean to insult, in fact some of these roller jobs don't look half bad at all. It's just not my thing, I'm not into flat black. I was merely suggesting that if you have paint flaking off everywhere, it might be a decent solution in the mean time, while you work on the car and finish it off with a nice paint job. I drove my 82 w/ shitty paint for a couple of years. I would get those stares at meetings and people would talk behind my back about how crappy the car looked, especially later when I had a primer colored hood on it. However when I opened the good an they saw everything was clean, powdercoated and rust free the comments quickly dimmed out. IF I still drove my car like that now, I probably would have done a quicky roller paintjob jut to drive it without it looking like total crap.

If you can do it with a gun, even better. I have never painted an entire car myself, I have done the inside of the doors and stuff on my 82 and they came out black even. Will probably give DIY painting a shot someday.
I knew you didn't mean an insult. That's why my response was lighthearted.

As you say, all of my efforts have been mechanical making everything solid. Now that it is I'm ready to start with the looks. The interior is getting nice now so I'm running out of excuses for driving a rat:D

BTW, I ordered the big Milodon oil pan today after knocking the long truck oil filter off trying to drive up onto my hoist. Oh well:rofl: