End of the European-Model Welfare State?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Retired Again!
AMSTERDAM (AP) — King Willem-Alexander delivered a message to the Dutch people from the government Tuesday in a nationally televised address: the welfare state of the 20th century is gone.

Now, the "news" I saw suggested that this was "kicking the country while on it's knees." But Some might say that is what has been happening here for a "while." Not wanting to start a huge debate - but if; "The Europe" - you know; "The Real Europe," is starting to recognize the lack of good fiscal sense of, "Giving it all away," maybe we in the US have a chance before we all jump off the looming fiscal cliff. (apologies to NURSE BETTY)

"The classic welfare state of the second half of the 20th century in these areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form."

"After several consecutive years of government spending cuts, the Dutch economy is expected to have shrunk by more than 1 percent in 2013, and the agency is forecasting growth of just 0.5 percent next year."

"The 'participation society' has been on its way for some time: benefits such as unemployment compensation and subsidies on health care have been regularly pruned for the past decade. The retirement age has been raised to 67."

"The king said Tuesday some costs for the care of the elderly, for youth services, and for job retraining after layoffs will now be pushed back to the local level, in order to make them better tailored to local circumstances.

Sure - The King is "exempt" - Ha! have you see what our president spends? So that is an argument probably not worth pursuing.

Now, I'm just wondering; what the "sense" of this is in Holland, Benelux, and Scandinavia? Any truth to this report and new moves toward "personal responsibility?"

Could we get a report from our "boots-on-the ground" please?

Guess you can tell I'm trying out my new found Liberties as I move to final retirement in 2 weeks.. .NSA - you reading???

Cheers - Jim
I MAY say a bit more, BUT......I make Uncle Barry Goldwater look like a communist.....

stone dead seriously......:stirpot:
And to think they run a much tighter ship than the good old USA. What makes people think we can make it work here. I have a co-worker from Amsterdam. They the people will snitch you out and you will go to jail if you care to play the system over there. At least that's what Lorenzo says.

Tell Lorenzo he is full of shit. Seriously!! Not a Dutch name either. Must be one of them import gems also, like we have so many here.(and yet we wonder why the system fails)

A tight ship and squeezing the last penny out of working people is a completely different thing.... the ship here is so un tight... it's run by idiotic leftist socialist pigs with no sense of reality whatsoever (yet they keep importing these multicultural diamonds in the rough...aka.. potential leftist voters)

Our social security system has been hollowed out by freeloaders, domestic freeloaders but also masses and masses of camel jockeys who receive social security even when they are not even living here anymore (having worked here for maybe a couple of years but they are entitled to SS for the rest of their lives, you can have a pretty decent life in their country of origin on 2K a month or more depending on child support and what not) and now there's the new breed....eastern europeans. We have our own freeloaders and leeches but these additions is what killed off the systen. We are paying for it with sky high taes, about the be raised even further, hollowed out pension funds and a ton of other dispicable measures. Somehow it's better to squeeze out your own people so you can give away money to the EU and every 3rd world POS country who demands "mo moneys"

We are doomed, we are lost... the ship is sinking
Tell Lorenzo he is full of shit. Seriously!! Not a Dutch name either. Must be one of them import gems also, like we have so many here.(and yet we wonder why the system fails)

A tight ship and squeezing the last penny out of working people is a completely different thing.... the ship here is so un tight... it's run by idiotic leftist socialist pigs with no sense of reality whatsoever (yet they keep importing these multicultural diamonds in the rough...aka.. potential leftist voters)

Our social security system has been hollowed out by freeloaders, domestic freeloaders but also masses and masses of camel jockeys who receive social security even when they are not even living here anymore (having worked here for maybe a couple of years but they are entitled to SS for the rest of their lives, you can have a pretty decent life in their country of origin on 2K a month or more depending on child support and what not) and now there's the new breed....eastern europeans. We have our own freeloaders and leeches but these additions is what killed off the systen. We are paying for it with sky high taes, about the be raised even further, hollowed out pension funds and a ton of other dispicable measures. Somehow it's better to squeeze out your own people so you can give away money to the EU and every 3rd world POS country who demands "mo moneys"

We are doomed, we are lost... the ship is sinking

When did you move to USA????:rolleyes::clobbered::bomb:
If you think you have it rough...it can always get worse!!!

As for people ratting each other out and offenders going to jail? Hardly anyone here goed to jail. DIY/doped up accident killing a child? 40 hrs picking litter, that's the kind of sentencing they do here.

There's only 1 thing the cops & justice department excells at here, that's ticketing you for a 3mph speed offence. They make billions on that.
TT -
Thanks for your "on-the-spot" coverage. I was thinking the ASSOCIATED PRESS had "gone-over" to the Darkside. There just is no news source I guess. :suicide:

Man the Life Boats! Women and Children first.


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