I don't know about the rest of you but I have had a similar feeling for a few months. Change is in the air, at least for me. My daughter is off to college and I am in a 5 bedroom 3 story house with 4 dogs (widowed 8+ years now), time to sell and downsize. The economy is also forcing me in this direction as a smaller home will also (hopefully) have lower maintenance costs and a lower monthly nut overall. The last 2 years of economic distress have hurt my business. My Dad passed several weeks ago, we were close and he lived close by so I am not obligated to stay close by any more...... I broke up with the GF of the last 14 months (thankfully) and am on my own for awhile - not feeling too bad either I might say.... And like you Gene I am feeling my years and do not want to do the physical work that my light contracting business demands of me. Finding good help is a problem too (another subject entirely).
I have buyers for my house and enough equity in it to buy another more modest home for little or no additional cost. The new house will also have a GARAGE so the 'Vette will finally get a much needed visit to the beauty parlor for a peel and makeover. I should be able to afford it by then. And finally my old Lab/Shepard mix is going to be going one day soon. 13 years old and having trouble with his back legs, poops within seconds of finishing his food, sometimes can't make it out of the house in time poor guy..... his time is coming real soon....
So yes, times for me are a' changing. Hopefully for the better. Time to move on, move ahead.