Explosion Throws Bubba from Garage


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
St. Charles, Missouri
A South St. Louis man said he was working on a car when it happened. Despite being blown out of the garage, the man only suffered minor injuries. Evidently he was removing his gas tank when fumes ignited. He is one lucky SOB. :flash:


News link

Some years ago a "mechanic" in South KC decided he didn't want to spend $300 on having a trailer hitch installed. His "DIY" project ended up with him burned pretty bad, his Explorer burned to the ground along with most of his house. He fired up the good old torch to pop mount holes thru the frame, (strike 1), got the first 2 holes in good shape, then hole #3 he hit brake lines, ( strike 2), got that fire put out, and hit the gas line on hole #4, (strike 3).
One of my T-Bird friends was dropping the tank 30 years ago, and spilled it bad. He saw it running towards the hot water heater and ran. Lost the Bird and the garage, but was not hurt. That's before they required them suckers 18" off the floor.
Probably lit a match to look in the tank (make sure it was empty):twitch:
Don't laugh. A Saudi crew chief did that out here only about 2 years ago. Couldn't be bothered putting power on an aircraft to check if the under wing tanks were empty before he removed them so he popped the cap and had a peek with his cigarette lighter.

Turns out it was empty of fuel but chock a block full of (all together now) fumes!!!
