Fast Pedalphile
I live in NJ. A few years ago my Dad passed and left me an old Remington model 1903 30.06. My ex GF and I drove all the way to Fla. to pick it up and drive it back. After I got it home I took it out of the case and looked at it once, then put it back in the case, buried it in the back of the closet and forgot about it. Fast forward about 2 years - the ex and I get in a verbal fight, she lies to the police and has me removed from our home for 7 months. As part of her anger she decides to call the LEO's and turn in my old gun as I have no permit for it. Long story short, her charges against me were BS and she lost her case in court. :smash: Now I am faced with the task of applying for a Firearms Permit in NJ and finding that the local P.D. is less than cooperative. I have been trying to get a hold of one of the Sgt's. in the local P.D. but he does not return my calls. He is the one who handles the Firearms Permit applications.
What can I do? Call the NRA? Complain to my Governors Ofc.? What are my options?
What can I do? Call the NRA? Complain to my Governors Ofc.? What are my options?