Fixed or recessed headlight kit


Jun 15, 2009
hegins PA
I am looking to buy a headlight kit like the one pictured below. I am having a hard time finding them. I have searched google and have had little luck. They have been called recessed, monza and daytona headlights.


I am looking for a couple of different companys that carry them so I can see which ones are the best.

I will also be selling my complete headlight assemblies (That work) if anyone is interested.
Mine are behind my grill on my '73. Just a couple of fiberglass boxes mounted inside. You can almost see them in this picture.

Cost about $30.00 for the materials Made a mold out of a cardboaed box and coverd it with 3M masking tape so the glass wouldn't stick. 3M tape is waxed.

The first picture looks like mid '90's camaro headlights...???....Might work??

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The company that makes them is Ecklers Corvette in Titusville Florida....

you can watch the shuttle take off from the property....

I think it was Ralph Eckler's first product :quote:
corvette south....good or bad??

Have any of you had any good experiences from corvette south?? I have had one that was enough to make me stay away from them. It showed me how unprofessional they were.

I went to their website and went to order a full blackout light kit and a fixed mast antenna kit for my 1981 corvette. The website said the parts were all in stock with no delays in shipping.

I was just about to place the order online and thought to myself I should make sure they have everything in stock . So I called them.

Turns out they didnt have the blackouts in stock and the only had an incomplete antenna kit. They took down my information and told me to call back in 30 minutes because they would check and see if they did have the items or not.

30 minutes passes, I call back and they couldnt find the information they wrote down about the order. So the guy on the phone starts yelling at this female about the list he wrote on etc and he cant find it.

Turns out they didnt have the parts and I never did place that order.

I understand that alot of your Corvette companys place your order and ship out what they have and what is on backorder they will ship later, but the fact that they had no clue what they did have or didnt have in the warehouse, misplacing my information and then yelling at each other while I am on the phone....made me think that it is better not to buy from them.
Car show

I live close to carlisle fair grounds here in Pennsylvania. Corvettes at carlisle is Aug 28-30 so I will see if I can find a set there (which I highly doubt) if not guess I have to spend the 1000.00 for the ecklers setup.

damn this is getting expensive already dumped 2000 for a new clutch and transmission modifications this month. But I do like those lighs!!!
I live close to carlisle fair grounds here in Pennsylvania. Corvettes at carlisle is Aug 28-30 so I will see if I can find a set there (which I highly doubt) if not guess I have to spend the 1000.00 for the ecklers setup.

damn this is getting expensive already dumped 2000 for a new clutch and transmission modifications this month. But I do like those lighs!!!

Ten years ago when I bought my set with the large square bulbs, they cost about 325 bux NEW......

so not to pay over 150 at MOST.....that is if they are clean and undamaged....

bulbs are dime a dzn.....

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What a workout!!

Took out my stock headlight assemblies today, wasnt the most fun I've had working on my car. Took me 2 hours! What a tight spot to work in!!

I do like the way it looks without all that junk in front of the radiator.

Mr. vette I hope I can find a set that cheap, but I dont think I will be so lucky. There used to be a company that made them for 350 brand new......called vanacor corvette. But they must have went out of business. I know they had a horrible family tragedy, but dont want to get into the details on a car forum.

Aci industries used to make them also, but now both of ACI's phone numbers are disconnected??? maybe they are out of business also?

I found a complete brand new set for $400 but they are for 68-74 corvettes, I wonder if there would be alot of modifications needed to put them in my 1981?
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I bought a set of recessed headlights off ebay for $300.00 They were for the earlies 68-75 vettes, but figured I could modify them to fit my 1981.

After a 4 hours and some clearancing and checking and repeating. I am finished. Here is what they look like. Dont mind the dust and dirt on my car.......for some reason my garage is a dust trap? thum_11074aa2f51c25e96.jpg
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Yup, look like mine did with the OEM bulbs in there, same black gloss paint too....mine were just gray gelcoat when I got them....I imagine yours are too....

the bolts holding them in place are a bitch, as MY castings shrouded the bolt heads making installation in a upside down/backwards position very difficult...

still are for that matter.....
still much better than those 5000 lbs mechanical monstrosities most guys love....


When you installed them did you take off your hood and manuever them between the radiator support and the front bumper to get them in place??

I will try to mount them Saturday, which gives me time to figure out if I want to buy the clear covers for them. Another 300 gone...... at this rate I will have to print my own money.
It has been a LONG time since my front end was anywhere near stock, so I going by vague mammory....

to get the old mechanical crap outta there you going to have to remove the hood, as I recall, they too large an assy to come out through the grill after removal....maybe you can knock them into pieces and remove in sections....

I had a unpleasant discussion with a deer in '98 the car was bought in '95 or so....problem so the lights came out in pieces,....effed them both up just grand:mad: so there was the ~300 buck Ecklers solution or some searching and over a grand for parts alone, no forums to addy for help....the new ones will bolt in through either path, grill or hood removal....I just scratch the hinge plate pattern on the hood plastic to aid in positioning the hinges for reinstall....

you can witness mark with a white spray bomb too, if you over it when done...

Mod mod mod

I started to install the recessed lights and ended up getting one finished and it took the better part of 3 hours!! The lights I bought from ebay were for the 69-74 corvettes and my car is a 81. I couldnt pass up on the price and figured I could mod them to fit.

They were fairly easy to modify, but it just took me alot of time, getting them in place, marking where I have to clearance and then grinding out. 8-9 times in and out to Refit and reclearance. It is always better to clearance in little amounts. Once you go too far you really have a tough time putting back what you took off.

I really was expecting to have to make a special brace or some kind of specialt mounting, but it all worked out and I am relieved.

I will post pics after I get the other one installed.
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