Food in USA


Carburated Nihilist
Jul 14, 2010
Montreal, QC
Ok, nothing to do with Vette, it's rather about something several people here had to deal with : cancer.


Note: it's not supposed to be a USA-bashing post.
Jeez, nothing new to me, I could go on & on...What's the point?
I as an individual trying to fend my way through life on my own am powerless before the corporations & stupid masses who rule life on this side of....whatever. No, it's not just "USA"---it's bigger than that.
I didn't want to even reply to your post Denis, just because I am trying not to get into another rant,
but I will not let it it go unacknowledged, at least by this American.
There's a few of us who know. Or rather, can grasp the idea.
Maybe tomorrow there will be a couple more who finally begin to get a hint.....About that little shadow of a crawling worm/germ of a so often quickly dismissed thought in your head that something is not right.......
and the day after that a couple more.....

Meanwhile, I got a bunch done today towards getting the motor & tranny out for implementing desired improvements by this petro fueled junkie so as to get my endorphins jacked up again...

But keep them damn poison Big Macs & Big Gulps away from me!!! They are evil!!
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ohoh.... good topic, don't get me started..... how about GNC and TheVitaminShopp ??? How the heck can it be that you go to a NUTRITION store and on every stinking product there's a warning label ??? :tomato:
How is it that milk for example is good for four weeks ?? Fresh milk in a European supemarket is usually good for about a week max.... when you see it's good until December and it's only March you need to stay away from this stuff....
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Add HFCS to the list of worrisome products, on top of tasting like shit.
All this is surely anxiogenic, but the truth has to be known and told.
It's not like it's always been like this, things really went haywire during the last 30 years.
30 years of inflation and look at the growth of the in DC, understand that housing prices in that region have not fallen hardly at all from the peaks, as the employment and job base is expanding, not contracting....but that's ok, it's your tax money and inflation caused by them debasing the currency causing inflation, that is why gas is 3.50/gallon and going to go higher, our debt has gone from 10 trillion to 15 trillion, more than the annual GNP, the joint looks like Greece, financially, with just about as many on welfare as a % of population.....

There is a LOT of shit under foot, and it's not the companies you think of, it's the planned destruction of the middle class, power and control shifts to the uber rich, families that have for generation basically run the world, the ones with yachts larger than battleships type money....talking Rockefeller, Rothschild, Mellon, Pew, Colgate, Penny, just for a few names you all maybe recognize these families and a few others I fail to recall, set on the major holding company boards of directors, remember DuPonts and the Christianna Securities gig from the '60's yet, look it up, they owned some 25% of GM stock, and of course GM bought only DuPont paint for the cars....well they broke up the cozy deal, and since then notice how GM has floundered around, management wise.....note the FORDS needed no .gov money, why?? because FORDS still owned the company, that's many billions they have?? enough to start another MAJOR auto company in a nanosecond if they wanted to, that's how much.....

so essentially it's going to be the super wealthy with their managers, the .gov to keep the 'citizens' in line, and the rest on welfare, basically....

follow the money.....

Just look at some of the racing videos from the 70s. This was before mass processed food really began to take over. You will notice the majority of folks were slim. Now with fast processed food on every corner and processed food on every shelf in the supper market it's taking its toll.
Just look at some of the racing videos from the 70s. This was before mass processed food really began to take over. You will notice the majority of folks were slim. Now with fast processed food on every corner and processed food on every shelf in the supper market it's taking its toll.

same with old Hotrods magazine pics.
Of course, it's all about big money.

That's my only complaint against my wonderful wife....southern cooking, meaning biscuits, gravy, breaded grease on everything, she knows it, and I finally quit eating much of the greazy crap, and pass on the biscuits, damn butter, cooking oil, never touch it....bad enough with burgers and hotdawgs....

but on the other hand, 100 years ago the average age at death was 47, and for that time, we spent hours per day behind the ass end of a mule, smelling mule farts, commanding the animal, and leading a life little better than the animal we commanded.....

today, thanks to industry, invention, and being SMART, we can live a life in front of a screen, and command a office staff, and live to age 80+ easy....
so maybe it's not so much the FOOD industry, but we don't work like our ancestors did, so we get fat and lazy....:smash::surrender:
Of course, it's all about big money.

That's my only complaint against my wonderful wife....southern cooking, meaning biscuits, gravy, breaded grease on everything, she knows it, and I finally quit eating much of the greazy crap, and pass on the biscuits, damn butter, cooking oil, never touch it....bad enough with burgers and hotdawgs....

but on the other hand, 100 years ago the average age at death was 47, and for that time, we spent hours per day behind the ass end of a mule, smelling mule farts, commanding the animal, and leading a life little better than the animal we commanded.....

today, thanks to industry, invention, and being SMART, we can live a life in front of a screen, and command a office staff, and live to age 80+ easy....
so maybe it's not so much the FOOD industry, but we don't work like our ancestors did, so we get fat and lazy....:smash::surrender:

Yes life was hard and people life span was shorter, our generation got to live longer thanks to medical advancements.

BUT the generation after us... our kids and grand kids, the McGarbage generation, is getting more and more cancer and other crap, alergies etc.

plus we see more and more kids obese.
Like DaveL82 said, look at old pics, my old pics highschool pics, cant find one obese in them...
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It is all big government. People expect the government to look out for them instead of being informed themselves. What industry more than most has tons government involvement not to mention subsidy.....farming.

The free markets work every time to solve these issues. Organic farming should be certified by private organic farming associations. People could inform themselves which associations require the best practices and only buy food certified by those organizations.

When will the appetite for big government die? When will people wake up and realize a big powerful government will not look out for them.
The longer you live and do not die from some other diseases, cancer will catch up with you.

Obesity is directly related to low activity and eating a high calorie diet. Low activity results in a slow metabolism and couple that with a high calorie diet and you get obesity. If you take in more calories than you burn your body will turn it into fat and store it. Eat more than you need on a regular basis and you will be fat. You will not lose weight unless you take in less than you need, forcing your body to use some of the fat in storage.

It is up to you to stay a healthy weight. We need a little natural selection to improve the gene pool. The problem I have is the government enabling people to be fat, through disability, welfare, etc on my dime.
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It is all big government.
By that I guess you mean the goons lobbying on the behalf of Monsanto and big industrial farmers.

The longer you live and do not die from some other diseases, cancer will catch up with you.
Problem is that cancer is popping like crazy in the youngest generation. Women are declared with breast cancer long before the age of first mandatory exam.
The obesity epidemic is more than eating too much. It's also about education and health. Stop brainwashing kids with TV ads and stop stuffing the food with chemicals that fucks our metabolism and stuff should get back to normal.
If it was as simple as an aging population eating too much, situation in countries like France or Japan would be as bad if not worse than what it is in the US.
It is all big government.
By that I guess you mean the goons lobbying on the behalf of Monsanto and big industrial farmers.

Yes, but I think you believe more laws and a bigger, more powerful government will help. I believe in less, much less. A big powerful government will always be corrupt.

Women are declared with breast cancer long before the age of first mandatory exam.

Mandatory exam? Who mandates it? That should be something your doctor advises you on or you educate yourself on and you decide when to get the first exam. And the more people pay for this type of thing out of pocket instead of government or insurance the cheaper and more available it will be. The minimum deductible for insurance should be 5-6k per year.

The obesity epidemic is more than eating too much. It's also about education and health. Stop brainwashing kids with TV ads and stop stuffing the food with chemicals that fucks our metabolism and stuff should get back to normal.
If it was as simple as an aging population eating too much, situation in countries like France or Japan would be as bad if not worse than what it is in the US.

Stop letting your kids get brainwashed. Central planning is not the answer. People must be responsible for themselves. I do not want to live in a country where I give up my individual rights and leave it to a bureaucracy to: tell me how to raise my kids, what to eat, be my moral compass, etc. Most all of the education in this country is provided by the government. Lets not even go there, and no the problem is not funding. The dawn of the internet has allowed people to educate themselves, make their own educated decisions and share ideas like never before. Many big powerful governments put limits on the internet. Is the USA next?
countries like France or Japan would be as bad if not worse than what it is in the US.

Cancer rates in France ARE worse than the US (France 6th worst US 7th worst).

Medscape Medical news

January 26, 2011 — The United States has the seventh highest cancer rate in the world, according to new data compiled by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).

Of the 50 nations with the highest overall cancer rates in the world, Denmark takes first place and South Africa comes in at number 50. Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, and France fill the slots in between Denmark and the United States.

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