Front bumper alignment help needed


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
I need to shift the front bumper on my '79 about 1/8" to one side to get it to line up with the body. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I tried loosening up what bolts I could and shifting it but I must have not got to the bolts I need. It seems that the center bumperette needs to move over a bit to allow the adjustment I am looking for.
If it was mine I'd remove the bumper and enlarge the holes with a round file to get more adjustment.... I assume it's a good body with a aftermarket bumper.... fitment isn't all that great....

I like the stainless bumper mounting hardware that i.e. MidAmerica sells... if that old stock bumper bolting hardware is all rusted and crappy... ditch it.... $30 well spent... the kit for the rear works on the front as well... all vendors have it in their catalogs...
If it's not painted, I wouldn't try to manipulate it and stretch it. I would think that will cause spider veins after time. I would just fill it. I bolted mine on how it wanted to sit, and then filled it and grinded it down till it met my body lines.