Fuel & Storage questions

I have had the same gas in the tank of my motorcycle for 6 months (over the winter) and not had it go bad. The bike is always in my garage.
How long can a vehicle sit before the untreated fuel starts to go bad?

How long are fuel stabilizers effective for once added to the fuel?

Fuel stabilisers have two main uses.
1)Museum cars
I dunno about today's fuels being with ethanol, and unleaded, but my mother's '63 Olds F85 sat for some 25 years in the garage and maybe got two tanks of gas in that time frame, maybe not that much....

the car ran ok on it....once the brakes and carb were fixed....

come think of it, when is the last time anyone fixed a 2bbl Rochester?? and a one lung master cylinder??? or a car with 4 wheel DRUM brakes...???

except YOU Bird....

come think of it, when is the last time anyone fixed a 2bbl Rochester?? and a one lung master cylinder??? or a car with 4 wheel DRUM brakes...???

except YOU Bird....


:D Yep. Last week. 49 Bentley. Juice fronts, rear mechanicals, with "servo" assist from some lawnmower clutch on the tranny geared to the tailshaft 1/2 speed.:bonkers:
Two years ago I stored my boat over the winter and in the spring the carburetor was all gummed up because I did not add fuel stabilizer. I was wondering how long I have before I run that risk again.

OK - I answered my own question - I found this information....

STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer eliminates the need to drain fuel during storage, and keeps fuel fresh for up to 12 months or more. STA-BIL now includes more corrosion protection than ever before to help prevent and protect against problems caused by today’s Ethanol-blended fuels. For Marine Engines, use Marine Formula STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment– which contains DOUBLE the corrosion protection, and FOUR TIMES the fuel system cleaners to protect the fuel tank, fuel lines and complete fuel system from the damaging effects of Ethanol in the marine environment.

Visit "The 411 on Ethanol" page for everything you need to know about the Ethanol in your fuel!
When you start, start with STA-BIL BEST Ethanol Problem Fighter

STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer is America’s top selling fuel stabilizer. Stored fuel can go bad in as little as 30-60 days causing gum, varnish and corrosion to build up in the fuel lines and engine. STA-BIL is recommended to be used AT EVERY FILL UP in all vehicles and equipment to protect against corrosion caused by today’s Ethanol-blended fuels.

STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer

Marine Formula

Marine Formula STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment & Performance Improver contains DOUBLE the corrosion preventers and more than FOUR TIMES the fuel system cleaner than in Regular STA-BIL to prevent against corrosion and deposit build up in Marine Engines. Use AT EVERY FILL UP to protect your boat or other marine equipment from the damaging effects of Ethanol in the marine environment.
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come think of it, when is the last time anyone fixed a 2bbl Rochester?? and a one lung master cylinder??? or a car with 4 wheel DRUM brakes...???

except YOU Bird....


:D Yep. Last week. 49 Bentley. Juice fronts, rear mechanicals, with "servo" assist from some lawnmower clutch on the tranny geared to the tailshaft 1/2 speed.:bonkers:

:devil: Bird, you smack nucking futz, WHERE/HOW in hell you FIND that shit???

I use Sea Foam as a fuel stabilizer. Although I don't recommend this, I have gone as long as two years in my boat with no problems. A friend's boat without a fuel stabilizer had major gummed up carbs after just one year. Sea Foam is best used at 1 oz per gallon at least. Run the engine long enough to fill up the carb with the treated fuel.

I've had "gumming" after a winter before I started using that stuff. Lawn mowers and motorcycles. My Model "A" after 35 years was a whole other story. The shit wouldn't even burn. Had to use a propane torch to run it out of the tank :bomb:

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