Gears porn

Wow DP, that's awesome!

I well remember that business. I was an ICmen but our shop was just below Fire Control. As we both dealt heavily with Synchro or Selsyn motors I spent a lot of time up there.

I remember during excercises on the Destroyer we could hear the FC gears whining from our shop below. Picture a facia about 6x10 feet with nothing but 2-6" fine tooth brass gears behind plexiglass!
Wow DP, that's awesome!

I well remember that business. I was an ICmen but our shop was just below Fire Control. As we both dealt heavily with Synchro or Selsyn motors I spent a lot of time up there.

I remember during excercises on the Destroyer we could hear the FC gears whining from our shop below. Picture a facia about 6x10 feet with nothing but 2-6" fine tooth brass gears behind plexiglass!

Here I"'d a bet money I was the only geek on the forum that knew/knows what they were/are....I just tossed two of them in the recycycle bin a few months ago.....solid brass about 4" diameter and a foot long....

they worked too....:cool::hissyfit:
We had a pair of Selsyns on a printing press driving an inspection mirror system. Basically stop action so the operators could examine the print. 1981 vintage.

My electricians were totally foxed by them until I set up an experiment and after that they loved them as much as I do.:clap:
We had a pair of Selsyns on a printing press driving an inspection mirror system. Basically stop action so the operators could examine the print. 1981 vintage.

My electricians were totally foxed by them until I set up an experiment and after that they loved them as much as I do.:clap:

Printing press, cute, I have a old friend from Rockville Md, that used to be a pressman's assistant on running McCall's Mag can't remember the name of the company, but the county and the EPA were calling it a haz waste site, which we all laughed at.....the magazine is long gone of course....but Fred helped print it, I seen the plant maybe 25 years ago before it got shut down....he found a job at the local water plant then....on the shit detail, then graduated to the fresh/sunny side of the operation....


he retire maybe 6 years ago now...
