Glen Beck.....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
This entire world needs to watch this evenings program....

history is a honest and brutal thing....

one of the scariest things I read recently was in a very recent Pat Buchanan column - the decade from 2000 to 2010 was the first time in our country's history that we have more people working in government than we have in working in manufacturing - and you know what the former "produce" - ZER0bama. My little store is a dinosaur amongst all the imported gems & baubles. Caveat Emptor.

Pure crap, I cant wait till November. I'm voting early and as often as the acorns practiced
MY best guess is that 70% of the working populace depends on a .gov check of one variety or another....for instance...and Boeing guy get X% of his check to the extent Boeing gets X% of their work from the .gov....

from school janitor to Prez/USA....I bet my 70% figger is UNDER estimated....

work for a roads crew, fixing/building highways? Designing them?? you are dependent on a .gov check in the final analysis....

the decade from 2000 to 2010 was the first time in our country's history that we have more people working in government than we have in working in manufacturing

thanks to the US government who engaged in what the said was free trade ....imagine it only took the Chinese 10 years to bring us down.
the decade from 2000 to 2010 was the first time in our country's history that we have more people working in government than we have in working in manufacturing

thanks to the US government who engaged in what the said was free trade ....imagine it only took the Chinese 10 years to bring us down.

NOT JUST China.....

just sayin'....

China buys 16,000,000 new cars a year. We buy 12,000,000. That's why China bought Volvo from Ford today. It MAY start coming equiped with a Harbor Freight tool kit.:smash:
My wife and I both get a government check, Social Security. We both paid into that Ponzi scheme for over 50 years!

Others, who did not pay into the scheme, get a S.S. check every month. How fair is that? Send them a welfare check, if you have to, but not from the S.S. 'trust' fund.

Did anyone read that a trial balloon was floated as to the government taking over 401k accounts and putting them in the S.S. 'trust' fund?

Lock and Load!!
SS is no worst a 'ponzi scheme' than say a home mortgage....we pay ~5-6% on it, and by the time 30 years goes by, that 50k house has cost us 200k....pretty close....course it's still better than paying rent...but just saying....

SS is no worst a 'ponzi scheme' than say a home mortgage....we pay ~5-6% on it, and by the time 30 years goes by, that 50k house has cost us 200k....pretty close....course it's still better than paying rent...but just saying....


:bs: SS is forced, no one makes you get a mortgage save up the 50k for your house rather than getting a mortgage.
My wife and I both get a government check, Social Security. We both paid into that Ponzi scheme for over 50 years!

Others, who did not pay into the scheme, get a S.S. check every month. How fair is that? Send them a welfare check, if you have to, but not from the S.S. 'trust' fund.

Did anyone read that a trial balloon was floated as to the government taking over 401k accounts and putting them in the S.S. 'trust' fund?

Lock and Load!!

No....did not hear that........source????
My wife and I both get a government check, Social Security. We both paid into that Ponzi scheme for over 50 years!

Others, who did not pay into the scheme, get a S.S. check every month. How fair is that? Send them a welfare check, if you have to, but not from the S.S. 'trust' fund.

Did anyone read that a trial balloon was floated as to the government taking over 401k accounts and putting them in the S.S. 'trust' fund?

Lock and Load!!

No....did not hear that........source????

I believe it was in the financial section of my local newspaper about 1-2 months ago. Probably from an AP article.
My wife and I both get a government check, Social Security. We both paid into that Ponzi scheme for over 50 years!

Others, who did not pay into the scheme, get a S.S. check every month. How fair is that? Send them a welfare check, if you have to, but not from the S.S. 'trust' fund.

Did anyone read that a trial balloon was floated as to the government taking over 401k accounts and putting them in the S.S. 'trust' fund?

Lock and Load!!

No....did not hear that........source????

I believe it was in the financial section of my local newspaper about 1-2 months ago. Probably from an AP article.

The more I think about it, the more it's sounds ridiculous.....401k money is private money......if I quit my job, the money goes woth me...granted, there are a lot of rules around 401k's...but it is still MY MONEY..I put it in the account in the first place.
No different than Obama's resurrection of the estate tax. When you croak, the gov't thieves tax your assets...WHICH YOU ALREADY PAID INCOME TAX ON!!!!!!
My wife and I both get a government check, Social Security. We both paid into that Ponzi scheme for over 50 years!

Others, who did not pay into the scheme, get a S.S. check every month. How fair is that? Send them a welfare check, if you have to, but not from the S.S. 'trust' fund.

Did anyone read that a trial balloon was floated as to the government taking over 401k accounts and putting them in the S.S. 'trust' fund?

Lock and Load!!

No....did not hear that........source????

I believe it was in the financial section of my local newspaper about 1-2 months ago. Probably from an AP article.

The more I think about it, the more it's sounds ridiculous.....401k money is private money......if I quit my job, the money goes woth me...granted, there are a lot of rules around 401k's...but it is still MY MONEY..I put it in the account in the first place.

I could not locate the original article concerning 401k money, but there was a letter to the editor in my local paper saying that Rep. George Miller of CA has proposed legislation for the federal government to take over your personal 401k retirement plan money.
Two weeks ago I got a letter from Citi bank that stated that my withdrawls may become limited at times. This not my business account but a money market account. About a week later, I got the same letter from another bank that has another account (not my business account). Same exact crap.

It's a new banking law change that allows the government to limit the amount of your money, that you can withdraw if the governments has some crisis or run on a bank.
This fken 0bamaniac is a threat to private ownership.
Two weeks ago I got a letter from Citi bank that stated that my withdrawls may become limited at times. This not my business account but a money market account. About a week later, I got the same letter from another bank that has another account (not my business account). Same exact crap.

It's a new banking law change that allows the government to limit the amount of your money, that you can withdraw if the governments has some crisis or run on a bank.
This fken 0bamaniac is a threat to private ownership.

THAT crap sounds like the Faryland Savings & Loan mess of ~25 years ago, the ex and I had several thousands in various accounts for the kids much less ourselves, and so we had a 300 buck/day limit, per account, so we went there every damn day for lunch, stood in line and took out some 1200 bux in cash, the name of the bank was Chevy Chase Savings and Loan back then, became Chevy Chase Bank after BF Saul's sister/family kicked in some 50 million bux as equity in their brother's bank, so they then qualified as a national bank, I would think they still in business today....BF Saul was the mortgage lender of choice for all the Wash Dc shotshots for decades now....probably still is, a VERY conservative run outfit....
but what I would do is the same shit, take out all you can as often as you can, and stick it in a fireproof safe in your house.....

or buy gold??


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