Greenie weenie post


Mar 26, 2008
Loveland, Colorado, USA
By Bill McKibben

Caution: It is vitally important not to make connections. When you see pictures of rubble like this week’s shots from Joplin, Missouri, you should not ask yourself: I wonder if this is somehow related to the huge tornado outbreak three weeks ago in Tuscaloosa, or the enormous outbreak a couple of weeks before that—together they comprised the most active April for tornadoes in our history. But that doesn’t mean a thing.

It is far better to think of these as isolated, unpredictable, discrete events. It is not advised to try and connect them in your mind with, say, the fires now burning across Texas—fires that have burned more of America by this date than any year in our history. Texas, and adjoining parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico, are drier than they’ve ever been—the drought is worse than the Dust Bowl. But do not wonder if it’s somehow connected.

If you did wonder, you’d have to also wonder about whether this year’s record snowfalls and rainfalls across the Midwest—resulting in record flooding across the Mississippi—could somehow be related. And if you did that, then you might find your thoughts wandering to, oh, global warming. To the fact that climatologists have been predicting for years that as we flood the atmosphere with carbon we will also start both drying and flooding the planet, since warm air holds more water vapor than cold.

It’s far smarter to repeat to yourself, over and over, the comforting mantra that no single weather event can ever be directly tied to climate change. There have been tornadoes before, and floods—that’s the important thing. Just be careful to make sure you don’t let yourself wonder why all these records are happening at once: why we’ve had unprecedented megafloods from Australia to Pakistan in the last year. Why it’s just now that the Arctic has melted for the first time in thousands of years. Focus on the immediate casualties, watch the videotape from the store cameras as the shelves are blown over. Look at the anchorman up to the chest of his waders in the rising river.

Because if you asked yourself what it meant that the Amazon has just come through its second hundred-year-drought in the last four years, or that the pine forests across the western part of this continent have been obliterated by a beetle in the last decade—well, you might have to ask other questions. Like, should President Obama really just have opened a huge swath of Wyoming to new coal-mining? Should Secretary of State this summer sign a permit allowing a huge new pipeline to carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta? You might have to ask yourself: do we have a bigger problem than four-dollar-a-gallon gasoline?

Better to join with the US House of Representatives, which earlier this spring voted 240-184 to defeat a resolution saying simply “climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for public health and welfare.” Propose your own physics; ignore physics altogether. Just don’t start asking yourself if last year’s failed grain harvest from the Russian heatwave, and Queensland’s failed grain harvest from its record flood, and France and Germany’s current drought-related crop failures, and the death of the winter wheat crop in Texas, and the inability of Midwestern farmers to get corn planted in their sodden fields might somehow be related. Surely the record food prices are just freak outliers, not signs of anything systemic.

It’s very important to stay completely calm. If you got upset about any of this, you might forget how important it is not to disrupt the record profits of our fossil fuel companies. If worst ever did come to worst, it’s reassuring to remember what the US Chamber of Commerce told the EPA in a recent filing: there’s no need to worry because “populations can acclimatize to warmer climates via a range of range of behavioral, physiological, and technological adaptations.” I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re telling themselves in Joplin today.

Bill McKibben is founder of the global climate campaign, and Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College.

(& we know it's all Obama's fault......)
I think I'll go make myself a Prestone margarita and not worry about it.....
I think it would be low intelligence not to at least ask these questions and do more study.

It's funny, most of the people who are so certain Global Warming and environmental protections are so much bullshit are HS dropouts and such who have absolutely no scientific background. There's a butload of them over on CF pollitics section. Experts in everything and serving up stackers at McDonalds.
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I think it would be low intelligence not to at least ask these questions and do more study.

BUT so much 'study' done in the past has jumped to the agenda first, then tried to get the data to match/support it, and then upon examination it does NOT......

Yeh, and I guess somehow mankind's activities caused the Jap quake/Tsunami also ???

in the realm of stats, sooner or later you are going to find deviations....

now one thing I have been advocating on deaf ears over, for 3+ DECADES now, is the interstate highway sized project of pumping surplus snow/rain water from the Ohio river, about 1/2 way from the Mississippi and from the northern Miss river up above that point, and then from say a point near Missouri....achieved by 3-4 nuclear power plants feeding pumps filling about a dozen ~16' pipes layed like the Alaska oil lines....into the SW regions, replacing the water source to give the W. Tx. Ogolallah (sp?) reservoir some relief/recovery time.....but NO, tha't soo damn much like common sense.....another pickup point could be just north of the Lake...

might disturb a snail or a fish or a grasshopper, maybe even a lizard....

IMO that would go a LONG way to alleviating lots of this recent strange behavior......just think some forward planning by our .gov has not been done since the Space Shuttle, and we landed men on the moon over 40 years ago, for christsakes.....but NO the .gov would rather waste money seeing if a shrimp can run on a a search, it's funny to watch...but for 500k bux?? really??

"we're not the owners of the land, we're the keepers of our grandchildren's land".

I do remember, when I was a young boy at school, being explained how the way Americans was living, the energy over-consumption, gas guzzling cars and everything was just not sustainable for the planet.
So convenient to blame the big cousin when our country was doing pretty much the same, with just a little less cash our pockets.

The problem now is that we pretty much all live this same way: Europe, China, India, Japan, South America. We all dump craploads of styrofoam takeaway food package, take the car to make a couple of meters, and want to buy yet another plastic wrapped electronic "entertainment" device.
If we don't die from cataclysmic weather events and all the wars they will trigger, we'll poison ourself to death with all those synthetic materials. Remember, most plastics will take thousands of years to "degrade", in the meanwhile it will break down to pieces, then tiny grain then to molecular particles. It will get into the food chain, then to our blood (it actually already do), fucking our genes and our hormones.

What's gonna happen? I don't know, but at this pace we won't go far.
I don't hold much hope for the current generations, some seems more that happy to turn solient gene, I mean, green.
80% of fish resources gone in 30 years, bees and bat colonies are collapsing, that sure sounds like normal.

Maybe next generation will wake up, or the one after, not sure, and maybe too late. You know the tipping point when you've past it. Tipping points like the permafrost methane or the poles' ice cap.

Now comes the funny thing, don't we all share the same adoration for one of the most polluting toy ever made?
There's positive arguments: they're not driven that much, a restored car is a recycled car....
Still I'm puzzling some of my long time friends.
Climate change is a documented fact.

As for how much is caused by human beings will long be debated untill the race dies off, and the cycle repeats itself.

If Sarah Palin becomes president, perhaps human intelligence has descended low enough we deserve to be extinct.
Now comes the funny thing, don't we all share the same adoration for one of the most polluting toy ever made?
There's positive arguments: they're not driven that much, a restored car is a recycled car....
Still I'm puzzling some of my long time friends.

& conflicted myself too.
Far right argument.

The earth is so friggin big, there's nothing we can do to affect anything. All polution will dilute down to safe levels.

Now comes the funny thing, don't we all share the same adoration for one of the most polluting toy ever made?

Yep, i've done more than my share polluting but when it's all said and done i'm going to be way less than average.

In my opinion, the most earth unfriendly thing a person can do is have a kid. People around here have lots of them buggers. It's pretty simple, the earth is infected with too many MoFos. I don't give a shit if they all drive priuses.
Far right argument.

The earth is so friggin big, there's nothing we can do to affect anything. All polution will dilute down to safe levels.


There, fixed it for you.....people been living for years in the evacuation zone around Chernobyl.....and under the bomb sites in Japan, seems that Mazda is doing just fine.....

one thing about green weenies, they note a bug drops dead and think it's from DDT from 50 years ago.....

wish they brought back DDT and do most homeowners of newer houses, especially here in Florida....

but then there are guys like me, I just go about taking care of business, screw the damn .gov and their idiots....

:smash::smash::thumbs::harhar: thing about green weenies, they note a bug drops dead and think it's from DDT from 50 years ago.....

wish they brought back DDT and do most homeowners of newer houses, especially here in Florida....

but then there are guys like me, I just go about taking care of business, screw the damn .gov and their idiots....


Here we go, piñata breach:
In my opinion, the most earth unfriendly thing a person can do is have a kid. People around here have lots of them buggers. It's pretty simple, the earth is infected with too many MoFos. I don't give a shit if they all drive priuses.

And therein lies the dillema of our species--The intelligent ones practice forethought & moderation and the stupid do not. And so the stupid shall overcome the intelligent by shear numbers and thus bring about the end of us all.

Golly, what do we humans call that when it infects our own bodies? --oh yeah, 'cancer'.
I believe the universe is starting chemotherapy on this tiny organ we bacteria call Earth
[And therein lies the dillema of our species--The intelligent ones practice forethought & moderation and the stupid do not. And so the stupid shall overcome the intelligent by shear numbers and thus bring about the end of us all.

Idiocracy. Already in full progress.

Can someone please explain to me why the temperature changes on MARS- are EXACTLY the same as on EARTH?

Last I checked there were no SUV's on Mars...

I guess the ICE Age came about due to Dinosaur Farts....

I like using FACTS - NOT Opinions...Facts are in limited supply- Where as OPINIONS are not...


Cool, Go live on Mars. I guess fish are poisened with Mercury there too.
[And therein lies the dillema of our species--The intelligent ones practice forethought & moderation and the stupid do not. And so the stupid shall overcome the intelligent by shear numbers and thus bring about the end of us all.

Idiocracy. Already in full progress.

Can someone please explain to me why the temperature changes on MARS- are EXACTLY the same as on EARTH?

Last I checked there were no SUV's on Mars...

I guess the ICE Age came about due to Dinosaur Farts....

I like using FACTS - NOT Opinions...Facts are in limited supply- Where as OPINIONS are not...


Cool, Go live on Mars. I guess fish are poisened with Mercury there too.

One fart per trillion is not going to kill anything.....and IF fish were poisoned significantly with Mercury, I would have been dead before age 18, the way mom cooked nothing but fish about 300 daze/year, and I not kidding....I would die for a freeking fact as a reaction to that, I not eaten fish in 50 years, not much THERE......:hissyfit::smash:
Can someone please explain to me why the temperature changes on MARS- are EXACTLY the same as on EARTH?

Last I checked there were no SUV's on Mars...

I guess the ICE Age came about due to Dinosaur Farts....

I like using FACTS - NOT Opinions...Facts are in limited supply- Where as OPINIONS are not...


Cool, Go live on Mars. I guess fish are poisened (SP) with Mercury there too.

Hit me up w/ some FACTS...Not an off the wall conjecture...

I was gonna go plant some more trees...but then realized all the CO2 they take in- is released when they die...:crap:
Can someone please explain to me why the temperature changes on MARS- are EXACTLY the same as on EARTH?

Last I checked there were no SUV's on Mars...

I guess the ICE Age came about due to Dinosaur Farts....

I like using FACTS - NOT Opinions...Facts are in limited supply- Where as OPINIONS are not...


Cool, Go live on Mars. I guess fish are poisened (SP) with Mercury there too.

Hit me up w/ some FACTS...Not an off the wall conjecture...

I was gonna go plant some more trees...but then realized all the CO2 they take in- is released when they die...:crap:

Really? Another "fact". Please explain how that happens.

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