Gutting the T-tops ......


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
I decided to get rid of the T-top liners and smoothen and paint the inside of the tops..... The additional headroom sure is nice, but now the stupid line wont fall down anymore :D

No way back, passed the point of no return.....

Two coats primer, some sanding, two coats charcoal metallic, two coats clear.... Done.....


Got dark.... Driver side top is tomorrow's entertainment....

It's a little wavy, the fiberglass is just a tad thicker where the posts used to be..... In primer I thought it's "good enough" ..... The glossy clearcoat of course magnifies everything. I just installed it, inside the car you can't tell, it looks really good..... I have to say, from sanding to primer to paint in just over two hours.... Used a hair dryer to speed up the flash time :D
Happy with paint, that's one thing, I wood have gone with some fuzzy sound deadening one/two layer liner just for the quiet factor....

not that our cars are supposed to be 'quiet'......:pprrtt:
It looks great and is on my to do list too, except I am in agreement with Gene. I may put some thin carpet and or insulation on mine - they bake in the sun and transfer a lot of heat.
Thanks for the motivation!
Put 100 miles on the 79 today (before I removed the doors) ... Yes the tops get hot but dont expect miracles from the insulation ...
Put 100 miles on the 79 today (before I removed the doors) ... Yes the tops get hot but dont expect miracles from the insulation ...

Paint them WHITE on the top side, best 'insulation' ever.....CASE CLOSED!!!!!:bump: