I put the dragvette loops on mine. I guess my HP range on the BB is somewhere around 480HP. Torque is upwards 530. The loops were easy to do.
I also have the dragvette driveshaft loop which I haven't installed yet. I was more concerned about the driveshaft since the ujoint straps are just straps whereas the halfshafts on the BB have ujoint caps. Although, I haven't heard of the straps going, they just look too flimsy. I haven't figured out what to do with the parking brake cable since it would be in the way of the halfshaft loop which goes into the crossmember(loop is just rearward of the the ujoint after the trans output shaft).
I spoke with Steve at Drag Vette about this same concern. He said the DS U-joint, U-bolt straps were never found to be a problem with failure. There is way more stress on the half shaft u-joint, u-bolt straps, so the BB caps are recommended for HP applications. It is important to not overtighten the u-bolts in DS,or HS, as they can deform the cap and result in premature failure. Tighter is not always better. Factory torque specs should be followed, I believe it is 18 lb/ft.(refer to your manual)
Generally, unless your differential yokes were drilled and tapped for the screw in u-joint BB caps, u-bolt straps are used to hold the u-joint caps. I believe there are BB type caps available with studs, so you can get the same support as the BB caps with no threads in the yoke. I do not have any experience with them, just mentioning them as an item I remember seeing in a non Corvette specific catalog.