I just LOVE olde tyme hardware stores, go in there and find JUST what you looking for, maybe even wrapped in a tissue/box and not in a bubble pack of some unOPENable sort.....
I used to work in one for my very first job....typical suburbs, was hard to find one, ten thousand kids out for summmer, learned more there than in school, and that's no lie either....
they had more shit in stock than Home Despot and Lowes put together, at least MEANINGFUL shit, not some damn MBA's idea of stock.....
plumbing for plumbers, cabinet hardware for cab makers, nutz bolts enough to get screwed forever.....NAILS by the scoop and POUND weight on the scale...
the basement had the VARSOL and KEROSENE in fuel oil tanks...down in the basement, right next to the bird/animal feed/seeds...dust everywhere soaking into the spilled oils.....
down the ramp was the fertilizer...up the iron stair built in the 40's...they were known as the 'new backside' of the joint....the original building is today a preservation point in old downtown Bethesda Maryland, a hysterical landmark of 'OLDE TYME" Bethesda....right there on the Wash DC boundary line....
them olde floors were SO well worn that in '60 or so there was nuttin' left honey.......
joint owned by some 4? brothers and a couple cousins, inherited from their father....Broadhurst family.....Community Paint and Hardware .....
been nearly 1/2 century alright....
