Gene - Right you are! Not for me! Give me a keel boat -- any day.
Cheers Jim
For years and years I was always fishing or sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, or up/down the coast from Martha's Vinyard on down to I knew a tad about boats.....
Moving to Florida here back in '97 and maybe as late as 98, I met up with some friends, one of whom owned a twin 305 Chris Craft....I think 25-27' one of the engines was reverse rotation, strange....easier to do that with the transmission, I would have thought....but at any rate....
we went out about 50-60 miles offshore where the guys were diving at a Navy navigation marker for the subs out of St. Marys which was the same spot we went in/ of those trips the seas kicked up really a dozen feet high, peak to trough so the guys fought their way back on board and Mark the owner takes the controls and proceeds to damn near sink us.....broaching the boat......he had never fought waves to that extent before.....the starboard side was damn nearly taking on water, we got lucky, Johnny and Nick knew nothing, so I took the helm, plotted a CMG and brought them up to 2500 rpm, and put the waves off the port stern the boat steering compromised a tad on each wave, but we finally got close enough to the shelf where the waves let up a bit, and home, Mark parked the boat.....I not comfy doing that in his dock.....
I still have a old drill head from when the Navy installed that marker, the guys found it during a dive, it was a bitch bringing it up,
