Hello to all from Jalalabad, Afghanistan


New member
Apr 21, 2013
First time member, habitual Vetter :)
I am a helicopter pilot flying in Afghanistan for the cause.
My new 68 convertible project is my sanity for when I am home.

See yah :)

Jim -
Welcome aboard! Thanks for your service (sometimes sounds trite - but I mean it - THANKS - Brother). When I was downrange I found it useful to order a bunch of parts and have them waiting when I got home - made for an extra nice surprise - They were "Vette's TSP" I told my wife. ;)

Stay safe and home soon.

Cheers - Jim
Welcome to the motley crew.....

Stay safe, and if you run into a cute nurse in the Air Force, Caitlin Easterday, she is the daughter of a heavy poster on another forum....the vette barn.com

What you got planned for the vette??


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