Help ID this engine pls....

Imo Apita

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
Managed to be at the right place at the right time and scored a free engine.
Block: 3970010
Head: 782461

According to the engine block comes back as:
3970010....302.....69....4...Z-28 Camaro
3970010....327.....69....2...Trucks and industrial
3970010....350...69-80...2 or 4

Engine is still at the shop so can't fouble check the head #'s right now but mortec lists a 3782461
as a 3782461....64-66...327......Camel hump,no accessory holes,160/62cc port volumes,62cc chamber
But I'm pretty sure it doesn't start with a 3.

Google search came up with:

Engine comes out of a '66 Corvette but pretty sure it's not the original engine.
Anybody care to chime in as to what I have here?
A 350 or a 327?

My daily driver is a '79 with a cam going bad so is it worth to do a rebuild on my mystery motor and replace my ailing 350?
You'll need the info off the stamp pad to identify it accurately. A 350 will more than likely have 5.7 cast into the rear of the block on the bellhousing flange, drivers side behind the head.
Dank je wel Twin Turbo, ga maandag de nummers even checken...:beer:
Some more numbers here:

Right Head GM7 E135/
Left Head GM8 E148/

Other head #s 782461

Passenger side block behind the RH : F242 or E242 hard to read.
Rear of the block just above the crank H8 below the freeze plug on the right hand side 010

Any suggestions?
What's punched into the block on the front? In front of pass. head, above water pump bolt. There's a stamp pad there (basically its the deck sticking out), there should be a suffix and a vin if it's a production engine.

010 block means a high nickel one.
What's punched into the block on the front? In front of pass. head, above water pump bolt. There's a stamp pad there

Got around to getting the numbers:
12S525598 on the left side of the pad and VO628CKX on the right side of the pad.
I'm assuming that the O in the second number is the letter O and not the number zero. The corners of the O are kind of squared off.
From another source:

V0628CKX: V= Flint Engine Plant, 06 =June, 28= Day of the month,C= Car ,
KX = 1972 Corvette 350/ 200HP 8.5:1 Compression 4BBl Automatic

It was put in the car in the St. Louis Corvette body assembly plant.( only place Corvettes were assembled that year till 1981 when they moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky- also in built Flint , Michigan in the early years)

Vin is stamped on the block when it goes in the car:

In your case: 1 = Chevrolet, 2 = 1972 ,S= St. Louis Body Plant, 525598 = Production Code

20,496 Corvette Coupes and 6,508 Convertibles Built that year which equals 27,004 Total

Which means that that engine was installed in the car 1406 from the end of that years production.( Pretty close to the end)

The only other St. Louis plant operating was a truck plant at that time.( El Caminos?)

So it's a '72 Corvette engine with '65 heads on it.
I'll start another thread as to the best options for rebuild.