Help needed with door!!

Hmm this story is getting me scared. I have my doors fitting fine, but didn't check the T-tops because I assumed that there is not much to go wrong there since they mostly attach to the cage (center, front and in the rear..) Correct me if i'm wrong. could mean that I would have to break out all my hardware and remount it just for fitting purposes.
Hmmm, I checked and they are not straight (slightly bend). Is there a way to force them straight, loosen body mounts apply some pressure from the out side.
Loosen the body mounts and shim the whole deal properly, maybe it'll straighten out...

Can you add shims to the #1 location and see if that helps with the door and all?
DARN :shocking:,

When I was in my workshop yesterday, again working on the door I noticed a large crack across (left to right) the door still, right through the fiberglass!! I think there was to much tention somewhere. I will post a picture later. :crap::crap::crap::crap:D%^&. Ohh well nothing that can be fixed.

I also noticed that #2 body mount bolt can't be tightened any more (In dutch we say dol). I have to replace that, but have no idea how!! Can I lift the body on one side without damaging it (more)?

When I had the Vette on a jack The door closed perfectly!! :crap::crap:

I'm going nuts.

On the bright side next Thursday, my Kiesler TKO600 will be delivered

Was there a problem before ? Was there some accident or something to the car ?

When my birdcage was apart I don't really remember that there was much movement in the door sills, when torquing the cage down.
I shimmed my cage with a laser level and measured up the frame differences to the factory dimensions and shimmed accordingly. I found out there is not much variation in between the cages, but there is much more variation in the frames.
Anyway my cage fit perfectly with only a minimum amount of shims.

To go back to your door, I trial fitted my body with the doors as close as I could get them when reassembling my body and even then it was very difficult to align them properly, thus the grinding on the bolt holes in the pilar. It solved all my whoes. Then I had to use a little body filler to get the door flush with both fender and quarter.

Hard to discuss this from a distance but if you sill panel broke, i'm thinking you are putting way to much stress on it. These sill panel are glued on the sill, so if it breaks you are trying to bend the cage in a way it was not assembled imo.
Yes, It must have been in several accidents.

The front clip is 1969 and the back 1972. I think it split across the "weld".

The door is fitting much better after some grinding of the slots but I'm aiming for the last 2%.

Any tips on the repair of body mount #2?
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Don't get to carried away with getting them perfect, because that is practically not possible, without (like TT said) working on them for a week.

With the nr 2 i hope you mean the one you see on the right side in your fender ? You will have to cut the nut of the bolt to remove it when it is ...dull.

If you mean the one under the pillar (that would be nr 4) you have an intirely different story. In that case probably the threaded plate in the cage is turning around since the case in which it sits probably enlarged to the extend that it lets the square plate turn. It is basically impossible to get at it/replace without lifting the body. In that case you would have to cut the head of the bolt. You would have to weld a new case and nut on the frame. If you want I can take some pictures of my nr 4 mounts.

Sadly your car is already painted, otherwise this would be an intirely different story, but from the looks of it you are in for some seriour repairs and it looks as if you will be doing some repainting after they are all done.
If however you should decide to do some mayor surgery, I have a spare birdcage (needing some rustrepair) that you can have(however it is a 1979 birdcage)

Can you post some pictures ?
My .02 cents worth. If your gonna drive this thing, get it close and move on, otherwise you can make yourself "loco" Spanish for "flippin nuts", American term. :lol: Case in point, watched a guy build his C3 ground up for over a year, absolutely beautiful car, on the way home from paint touch up, had put old wheels on that did not account for spacers, hit a good bump in road, busted ALL four fenders. :eek: Guy in our club, watched him several times on his back polishing his car, took dang good care of it, parked at a eatery way far away from any traffic, 4X4 was backing up rolled up over his hood, didn't see his C5. :cussing: It happens.

Drive it! :thumbs:

Auf Wiedersehen
Good News

Good News, body mount 2 is fine, some bubba lookalike has put an UNF bolt into it and the threat of the bolt was ruined. I have new body mount bolts and it went in perfectly!! So no welding!! I had a look into the hole and this body mount doesn't have rubbers it is just some plates of aluminum!! Just like bm 3,4 and by the looks of it also bm 1. So I still wanna lift the body to replace the alu plates with proper polyurethane busings.
Nope! Any issues to be expected there? I will be in the workshop tomorrow all day. Kind of hard to have some cave time with 3 kids, but tomorrow is all mine. Any thing special I should check?

I was too busy looking at my Keisler boxes, they came in!!:yahoo::yahoo:

I also received an nice polished CS140 alternator, with mod-ed connector.

Next week my new rims will be coming in all the way from Australia, I pray and hope they aren't boomerang style ;-)