hey racervette69

wasn't this your buddies car?

I think I remember the 2 bottom pics


Thats a damn good looking racer,good find. But not Mash/Greer car, but it sure as hell looked like it. Had to look twice to make sure. Similar body and wheels.. Mash/Greer car is a 65. I'll see if Mash will join and chime in. He has all the details on the car. Greer in NC, is still running the car in Gt1. He makes about two races a year. Its such a same, SCCA pitches C3's in with full bore GT1 cars.. knife to a gun fight. Wish they would bring back BP.. I think you would see a return of C3/C2 cars. Mash went on to run a z06 at hillclimbs, well prepared, he was freakn fast..

That car has a interesting past. I'll have to call Mash to get the detail. just what I can remember. Spun out of control killing a corner worker out west. Then the car was sold. The new driver and his wife were flying to the track for the race and crashed killed both. And when Mash sold his race z06, the new owner died within 6 weeks of the purchase...


pics http://www.race-cars.com/carsold/chevy/gt1x65/gt1x65pp.htm

all specs and history, plus some great photos. The deep solid red #45 one is mine,, dont know how that got in there..
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Most of the C-2 & C-3 cars are running in vintage, the smart guys gave up on SCCA...I did just read (at CF) where NASA is thinking about a vintage class. you did notice they restored that Park car back to being a B/P roadster opposed to being a 78-82 Trans-Am spec car otherwise they would have to race against the GT-1 tube cars, Turbo Porsches and GTP cars and be in the same boat as Greer.
I wonder how much of that olde tyme NASCAR phrase enters into other racing groups.....'Win on Sunday, sell on Monday'......

I wonder how much of that olde tyme NASCAR phrase enters into other racing groups.....'Win on Sunday, sell on Monday'......


Most road racers phrase,,,,,,Race on Sunday, look at bank balance on Monday, eat soup rest of week.....:fishing:
Have you guys heard of VARA's Big Bore Bash every November at Willow Springs? We adore your cars and the turnout is fantastic. I recall that most Corvettes run in BP or AP with the Mustangs and Camaros. If you're on the west coast you oughta give them a look....