Is this a DP? or vacuum? and when does the stuble happen- off a hot corner or normal driving?
Normal corner, I'll say your accelerator pump shot is weak/late. It may be telling you there's a new pump diaphragm in your future, or maybe the check valve to the pump is giving up. Some carbs have a rubber flapper and some have a check ball. All this goo they put in gas eats that rubber.
Hot corner, I'd say that you need to get some jet extensions and be sure the jets are staying submerged. Same thing as above n the accelerator pump.
Maybe tweak up the floats a touch. Not much. On a Holley, I run the engine so I'm sure both float bowls are full, shut it off and pull the sight plugs. Shake the car and if fuel splashes out, I'm good. If it RUNS out, I drop the floats and try again.