Holy sh*t bilstein extremes are stiff


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I just got mine today and I must say my old shocks must have been complete garbage

There stiffer than my front shocks which is not good at all, Looks like I'll be getting new ones of those also
the extremes

I think I'll get some circle track shocks for the front
15 years ago I got KYBs with my VBP plastic rear spring.....and they were just OK, but then I got convinced by net reports to get the Bilsteins....and glad I did....the car smoothed out just fine, especially over undulating bridges here in Florida....

the car is SO FINE in the ride NOW....

but STIFF is not my description....but then again, differant valving and springs and drivers, and cars, and useage....
I'm going to a real track next, not autocross

I don't think the bilstein sport shocks will control my stifffront springs very good though. I think There around 900#
Curious. Why not step up to some adjustable racing shocks valved for your car, as I suggested on your other shock thread? Being able to dial them in would be a huge plus on "real" race tracks, and IMHO by the time you're done messing around with several other sets you'll have wasted a fair amount of time and money which could have been spent learning how to well and truly set up your car.