Hydraulic clutch for C3. HELP!


Active member
May 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I'm wondering, has anyone put a Hydraulic clutch in
their C3? ( Not the type that requires the gearbox being removed, as I'll be doing it myself and I'm on A VERY
tight budget).
The reason I'm considering this conversion is the pedal is
very hard and (I'm not getting any younger) also The WIFE (she has real trouble with it-she's used to driving a Lancer).
As my car has been converted to right hand drive it has
one big mother of a rod running across the firewall which
looks UGLY and probably doesn't help with the heavy pedal.
Is their a system from another car (camaro maybe) that
could be used??
If there are no systems, What parts would I need and from
what car?????
Here in OZ(Australia) we had some local cars with 350 chevs in them so I may be able to find some parts here.
Any HELP would be GRATEFULLY Accepted,
GAV (The Gavel)
I bought my hydraulic clutch kit from Keisler. It is a huge improvement over the original mechanical junk. It makes it feel far more like a modern car. Spend the money and you won't regret it.
You'll need a 1/2 ton truck master, if you drill a hole in the firewall it's normally a bolt in deal but your car has been converted so the firewall will be different. Still, it should be doable.

i can get you some pics of how I did it as well as a list og what adapter fittings and hose + fittings you will need. I used a hydraulic throwout bearing so not using a slave cylinder but you can fabricate a bracket or modify the bellhousing for a slave. Maybe there's a bolt in deal out there even.
Here are some pics of a 1/2 ton truck mater install:



Blue plastic line was replaced with stainless hard line


Reservoir is from a ZF6 clutch master, very common clip on style.

A TKO600 with hydr. throwout bearing:

2 lines exiting bellhousing (pressure and a bleed line)

The adapter for the pressure line is a Earls # 9919BFEERL -4AN to M12x1.0

You'll need 2 russel powerflex fittings and some powerflex hose in -4 AN. Depending on what slave system you use you'll need an adapter there too.