Hydro boost lines


Feb 14, 2015
Hello everyone I hope all are doing well! My question is, does the hydraulic lines have to be a certain length for the system to work correctly? I'm going to make up lines for the system. the hydro boost and the steering box (Borgeson conversion kit). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Kevin.:confused:
Length on return lines not critical at all, what IS critical is having them separate, especially if the pump/tank is integral ....my serp drive setup has a frame mounted tank....:smash:
what do you mean by separate? I too am going to run a serp drive with a frame mounted tank, with rack steering
what do you mean by separate? I too am going to run a serp drive with a frame mounted tank, with rack steering

My '72 has a rack in it, the HB came along some years later, I have a '88+ serp drive on it, the return line from the HB goes across the top of the T, the return from the steering runs up the stem....all 3/8 lines works fine....into a stock frame mounted canister....

some years ago, I happened to run nearly same setup but with a V belt pump with canister there....and so happened to run the p/s return across the top of the T and the HB up the stem, noticed the brakes not much assist....I was going to change that crap around, or mod the pump integral housing....but sold it to wife's son first....he not complained, but the motor home was hard to stop....but that's ok, he ~240 lbs and only age 40 or so.....:yahoo: