I also hate litter bugs

Cute but totally staged.
She would have been shot/ran over a couple of time if it was real.
Because Russia.:hunter:
How many of us remember litter bags and the crying Indian etc?:friends:

How come we never taught our kids not be be pigs tossing their shit out of their cars?:tth:
How many of us remember litter bags and the crying Indian etc?:friends:

How come we never taught our kids not be be pigs tossing their shit out of their cars?:tth:

You should see how the Thais litter....big time.:suicide:

I once took the train out of Bangkok and there is shit along the tracks for miles.
They sell everything on the trains and with open windows everything is tossed out.

Now in the city the government had supplied metal trash cans but they were stolen for scrap metal. So they recently went and installed plastic trash cans and they are slowly disappearing. A few years ago the police (mafia) started fining for littering but of cause the only ones being fined were the foreigners.
Around the big tourist areas they would watch to see if a foreigner dropped a cigarette but and fine then $65.

But all of that is no big thing buy when they nick the big round manhole coves, what a headache.Of cause they never go the the local scrap metal places and find them as they are busy flowing the tourist around to get there pocket money.
I hate littering too. I almost lost my mind one day when I was sitting at a light behind some asshole eating a plate of food off a roach coach. The light turned green and he threw the entire plate out the window. He took off and my work truck was way too slow to catch him. All I could do was honk and cuss and flip the bird.