I don't understand


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
I'm no political genius, or any other kind of genius.

Here we are, 9 years after getting clobbered by Osama Bin Laden, with all of our money and technology and we can't find this camel jockey?

We saved Kuwait from Saddam's army, put out the fires and then gave it all back to the Kuwaiti's - for what?

My investments are losing so much money that I have to clean out what is left before there is nothing left, the bank fees are cleaning me out. Where's my old age fund gone?

Uncle Sam taxes me on my measly dividends - when I get them - and looks the other way when I lose money? Where's the incentive in having a "partner" like that?

Every boy and girl gets a gold star - no child left behind. Same as the golden parachutes for the CEO's whose companies fail. Everyone gets rewarded for failure? Where's my reward for fucking up?

Try and do business with any large company, they want your social security number. WHY? So they can put you in collections and try to ruin you when you complain about their intolerable service. Who allows this?

I just don't understand. What happened to standing up for what is right? I feel so beaten down by these seemingly impossible odds. Corrupt cops and politicians, celebrities who get no jail time for their crimes - Look at Martha Stewart! How come we get screwed and she gets away with her shit?

Our National Morals and Ethics SUCK.

I am going to go and get numb. Tomorrow I'll go to work so I can make some honest money so the rest of the world can scam me out of it.

I have a theory that they don't want to get Bin Laden. Think about it. If they found him he would go on trial in the US and you would have every nutjob you could shake a stick at on TV.

Or if they found him and smoked him. Then you would have the usual suspects saying that "everything's OK now, we got him, let's give up the fight.

For the rest if it, ain't Socialism great!
DV8, you got NO idea how close your complaints are to mine, and I have lived most of your posted observations, first hand.....

and had the written proof of it...also....

and the honest recollections from decades of living in the DC region....

damn few if any of the recollections are + to the one horse industry that is Wash DC.....

They can't STAND the truth!!!


I only care for/about the my kids, and they are liberal to a fault....so they will suffer their own stupidity....which is a error of OMISSION on the part of the public, while the 'professors' in 'colleges' teaching 'liberal arts' go on with their errors of COMMISSION.....

Anyone who thinks it's "liberal vs conservative", "democrat vs republican", "progressive vs constitutionalist", or even "Christian vs Muslim" is just one more of the millions of cattle being led up the shute to the corporate killing floor.
Put aside for a moment your preconceived notions about the political agenda of the place where this piece comes from, just read it and think about what it has to say, OK?

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Anyone who thinks it's "liberal vs conservative", "democrat vs republican", "progressive vs constitutionalist", or even "Christian vs Muslim" is just one more of the millions of cattle being led up the shute to the corporate killing floor.
Put aside for a moment your preconceived notions about the political agenda of the place where this piece comes from, just read it and think about what it has to say, OK?


I don't buy into any environMENTAL crapola than man in the moon, not one case has ever been proven....shit, even the Japs have rebuilt where the bombs landed, and that was supposed to never happen.....meanwhile we go hungry in California because of some smelly fish....
and kill nukey power because of some imagined problem, then solve THAT problem and the NUMBY idiots take over on THAT solution.....

sorry man, 90% of the problems in today's America can pretty much be traced back to the green weenies/Naderite movements outta the 60's....every damn one of them....

Now that that has been answered I have a more important question

was lite beer ever determined to be less filling or tastes great

always wondered if they came up with the right answer.
Decades ago my favorite beer was Wurtzburger Hoffbrau....dark....50 cents a bottle, back in the 60's....:clap::clap::crutches:
I believe the reason we "can't" get Bin Ladin isn't due to a lack of abilty, it's a lack of will on the part of the "ruling" class in DC. Which is also where I believe the other issues eminate from. Our "leaders" are far to concerned with what others will say about us if we do or don't do something. Just look at the latest debacle with the UN Human Rights Council. Are you kidding me? We had to through AZ under the bus so we had something to say? At the same time you have Iran sitting on the council. What BS. And there are many, many more examples of WTF. Why do we have our military sitting in places that don't want us? I'm not talking about the Middle East, (that's a whole other conversation) but why are we still in Germany? Why are we in S. Korea if they don't want us there? What about all the forgein aid we're giving to countries that aren't allies of ours? How would it change our situation here at home if we weren't spending all that money??

As far as the corporations are concerned, they should have been allowed to fail. But noooooo... the brainiacs in DC decieded some where too big to fail and in some instances (GM is my favorite) decided to go against contract law, and dick with how the free market works. If the free market were able to actually operate, GM would have filed bankrupcy, restructured and moved on. If the free market were able to operate, Fannie and Freddie wouldn't be bleeding Billions off the federal budget (if we actually had a budget this year). No, this isn't a partisan issue, Bush did it and he was wrong too.

The issue IMHO is simply, voting has consequences. We the People have had and still have the power in this country, we just have refused to use it. Instead we've been trained to be concerned when special interest groups call us names, and instead of sticking to values and principles, we try to make them feel better, and perhaps ourselves to by not want to offend those interested. Yeah, well TFB, not anymore.

I've told others this and I truely believe it. This November will tell us how bad of shape we're really in. Not so much by who gets elected, but by who doesn't. I'm very hopeful most incumbants end up unemployed. That's the first measure to watch, but just as important if not more so will be voter turn out. That'll tell just how apethic the population still is or isn't. The BS we're in now isn't going to change in one or two elections, it's gonna take time and perservierance. If an elected official doesn't do what they say they're going to, they get fired in the next election. We MUST hold these people accountable!!!! It's either we vote or get pitch forks!!!!
Jon Stewart sums it up pretty well:

"We live in troubled times, with real people who have real problems. ... Problems that have real but imperfect solutions, that I believe 70 to 80 percent of our population could agree to try, and ultimately live with. Unfortunately, the conversation and the process is controlled by the other 15 to 20 percent.

"You may know them as the people who believe that Obama is a secret Muslim planning a socialist takeover of America ... or that George Bush let 9/11 happen to help pad Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock portfolio. You've seen their signs: 'Obama is Hitler'; 'Bush is Hitler'... But why don't we hear from the 70 to 80 percenters? Well, most likely because you have sh*t to do."

Good article here:


Think I'll have to get the book . . . but will have to settle for watching the rally online.

The evil within

Lawyers grow up to be politicians.

One of my favorite things for reform of the system 'Lawyers can NOT old ANY PUBLIC OFFICE of any type, they CAN act a unpaid consultants ONLY, when need be.....

In order to hold any public office they have to resign the bar assn, under conflict of interest laws.....and they can NOT take up legal practice of any type upon leaving public service.....

ANYONE leaving public service can not take any position that in any way has the slightest influence on existing .gov actions....

in other words....no more K st NW DC lawyer/lobbyists for sale.....

As far as OBL, I think he's dead. I think all the "new" tapes of him are just doctored. They tell us it's some new release because he references this or that, but I don't speak haji so they could tell me he's talking about landing people on Mars and I wouldn't know. Guy's rotting, fuck him.
As for the rest of this crooked world, I agree with a lot of that. I often wonder if we're just too far gone to bring it back from the edge. Sometimes I think there's hope, sometimes not. The one thing I will say is the gov't doesn't give two shits about you so hide whatever money you can from the theiving leaches. I'm thinking about starting up my own business again so I can "cook the books", and yes, I'm saying this shit in public. It needs to be common practice. The one thing that's for certain is they're NOT looking out for you.