I have brakes...Finally


May 20, 2008
Carleton, Michigan
After about a year chasing brake issues, I have brakes. Thanks to Gary(GTR1999). After reading the tech sheet on rotor runout I found mine was way out of spec. I replaced the rotors and 1 caliper brought the runout to .003. I also replaced the master cylinder. I can now stop:yahoo:. So,:drink: to GTR1999.

Not a nice feeling pushing on the pedal and not much happening is it?

BTDT, I battled hell out of these damn brakes for some ten years, and finally went to the HydroBoost setup about 3? years ago, the brakes are finally solid as a rock, and very consistant, sharkey stands on his nose when asked, and without pushing pedal to the floor either.....love it....

damn vacuum boosters suck, ALL of them.....

Good, you did the job right. There is a post on another forum where a vendor advised indexing the rotor without bolting them on to dial it in. Not a good choice.
Good, you did the job right. There is a post on another forum where a vendor advised indexing the rotor without bolting them on to dial it in. Not a good choice.

UHHH....how in fuck anyone indexing a rotor without bolting it on???

by indexing he mean ...no without bolting it to the hub, front OR rear...nothing can be done...

