Beagle 1
Well-known member
ME TOOOO!!!.....
but this needs be in OTopic......
oh well......
I just wish one of OUR guys would get up and call a spade a spade for a fucking change of air.....
Finally a politic man who says wath he really think....... not the same hypocrisy of anyother!
We are really tyred of being hostage of a false "integration"...... belive me, they only want to modify us!
In Italy, a catholic country, we use to have a crucifix in the classrooms...... some family coming from these countries was asking to remove it from the wall...... "because it was offending their religion"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My opinion?
If you don't like our culture...... please, why you don't go home?????
I'm not a racist...... I'm only proud of my culture and I want to defend it!
Not so many years a go, Italians was moving from Italy to Swiss, Belgium, Argentina, Usa and many other foreign countries to look for jobs and a better future.
Do you think they tried to change the culture of the people that was hosting them?
Absolutely not.... is a matter of respect!
Sorry for my words...... but I use to say what I really think!!!