73 Mike
I'll drive it someday
I got the old engine out of the car on Sunday. It got pretty hot in the afternoon so I spent time moving parts over to the new block rather than installing the block and then putting on the pulleys and such.
While doing this, I kind of noticed a bit of height differenve in the intakes.


Turns out Summit shipped me an RPM intake instead of the Performer that I ordered. I wondered why the plenum seemed so big
Fudge :sweat: Hope the drop base and shorter air filter is enough. No matter. If all goes well, I'm switching to a Vic Jr later anyways.
One of the last things that I removed from the old engine was the valve covers and what should I find:

A closer view in case you missed it:

Almost brought me to tears. By way of background, I'm replacing the old engine because after break in, it seemed to lack the power it had at first and had a very bad shake, especially at idle. I assumed that the rotating assembly had not been balanced.
Do you think having the intakes closed on #5 and #7 might have contributed to this?
Oh and both polylocks were off on #4.
What anoys me most is that I'm always telling people to look for the simplest and cheepest solution first and here I miss something this basic.
The only up side is that if it is senility, I'll forget about this soon.
While doing this, I kind of noticed a bit of height differenve in the intakes.


Turns out Summit shipped me an RPM intake instead of the Performer that I ordered. I wondered why the plenum seemed so big
Fudge :sweat: Hope the drop base and shorter air filter is enough. No matter. If all goes well, I'm switching to a Vic Jr later anyways.
One of the last things that I removed from the old engine was the valve covers and what should I find:

A closer view in case you missed it:

Almost brought me to tears. By way of background, I'm replacing the old engine because after break in, it seemed to lack the power it had at first and had a very bad shake, especially at idle. I assumed that the rotating assembly had not been balanced.
Do you think having the intakes closed on #5 and #7 might have contributed to this?

What anoys me most is that I'm always telling people to look for the simplest and cheepest solution first and here I miss something this basic.
The only up side is that if it is senility, I'll forget about this soon.