Awesome! When we went to Scotland a few weeks ago, even though Christine has a UK passport, we went through then non-EU line so we stay together. Unusually, there were more EU passport holders than not so I thought we'd be through quite quickly.
Not so. There were several "towel wearing" families in front of us and they were making the women remove their face veils and then they were photographed. The men too were photographed (and kids) and then ALL of them had their biometric fingerprints taken and iris scans! Awesome. When we finally got to the desk, the guy apologized for the delay, then asked us the purpose of our visit etc. I was expecting the same run around as our Mahometan brethren but the guy stamped all our passports and wished us a nice holiday.
Wicked, I love racial profiling. I've been subjected to it for nearly 13 years and the shoe's finally on the other foot.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim... :thumbs: